Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 19 - Peking duck

I went to Eastwood today for lunch with my aunty and cousin. The clever guy that I am, took the wrong train and ended up in Lidcombe. Yeah.... not trying out for Amazing Race anytime soon obviously. We had peking duck and fried pork for lunch (sorry Jay! I'm still gonna go to BBQ King with you btw:P)

Eastwood was such an eye-opener for me. It feels like going to foreign country... China to be exact. You can count white ppl with one hand. Everything is written in Chinese or some Asian language, and the whole place/market/mall is full of Asians. Its unbelievable!

After lunch, I went to Maroubra beach for some sun worshipping. It was actually really windy, not that hot at all. There was this gross couple who laid beside us, fully making out in front of everyone. By making out, I don't mean the PG rated one, but the R18 one! It was obvious what they were doing and they seemed to get a kick by doing it in front of people. The thing is, there were kids everywhere around them and no one bothered to come up to tell them off.

The picture above are my nieces. The older one is 7 and the other is 6. They're still really shy around me. Oh well, I'll bribe them with food next time:P



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