Tuesday, April 5, 2011

COSMO Health 2011

After more than a month of hard work, we finally finished the 2nd issue of COSMO Health. It's jammed pack with tons of useful informations about personal health, beauty and well being.
It's out now at your nearest newsagent, so go jog or run and grab a copy for yourself :)
We also had to do staff pictures doing some kind of exercise and my group got yoga, so here's my picture trying to do a couple of simple yoga movements. I'm not flexible at all sadly

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Better late than never

Gosh, I haven't updated this blog for a while. I have been busy with work and other stuff that going on in my life.
Now let me get you up to date since the last time I wrote here.

I spent most of Dec working like crazy on a short deadline and then went back home for the X'mas and new year holiday. I caught up with lots of my old friends that I still keep in touch with on facebook.
It was fun to go back home, all I do most of the time just eat and go to the mall to catch up with them. Jakarta is a very mall cultured city. It has a gazillion malls with new ones popping up every second, sometimes beside each other. We are not even talking about a normal size mall here. We're talking about more than 12 floor supermalls! and most ppl hang out there after long day at work. After a while, everything kinda blurred into one.

And back straight to work in Jan. It wasn't a really short deadline, but since it's my first time to be in charge of  the design team, I found it a little bit stressful. Luckily everything went along smoothly and we had one of the easiest deadline weeks in ages. Yay for us:)
Anyway, I'm just gonna post some pics of me with my friends during the time i went back to Jakarta here.
You would notice that they're all taken in either a restaurant or a cafe. Eat and gossiping, nothing more fun than that hahahaha.


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