Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 96 - New Moon

From one crappy movie to another, I went to see New Moon today with Adam at Hoyts Broadway. To be fair, it is actually a bit better than the first one, but seriously, this movie is just full of cheesy one-liners. So much angst in it make me wanna bitch-slap someone after (come here Bella). Kristen Stewart's acting is just meh, she always talks in this monotonic voice and Robert Pattinson... gosh I don't even know if you count frowning and sulking as acting! His make-up is really really bad. They really need to tone down the lipstick. It's really distracting.
The only good thing about this movie is Taylor Lautner shirtless. This is deff his movie and he carried it off well. Not that I pay too much attention to his acting ability anyway. Also the much hyped Dakota Fanning is only there for like less than 5 minutes with only 2 lines, the most memorable one being "pain!". I gave it 3 out of 5.

Before the movie, we went to Glebe temple. It was a bit busy today. And after the movie, we went to Essen for dinner, Shnitzel as usual for me:)



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