Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 56 - Night noodle market

I went to the night noddle market after work tonight with Joel. It's in Hyde park, in front of the cathedral, not far at all from my work. Joel never been to the night market there before so its a new experience for him.
Its basically lots of food stalls with table and chairs for ppl to eat in the park. Most of the food that they sell there are thai. They can basically change the name into thai noodle market:P. Luckily I love thai food very much. You have to queue for a while on some of the famous stalls like Din Tai fung or Zilver. After we finished our dinner, We get this yummy dutch pancake desserts with caramel and chocolate toppings. Yumm!!

P.S. I finally got the new Mariah and Miley's album from work. Yayy!! Thanx Tash:)



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