Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 46 - Goodbye Delon :(

Delon is my dog back in Jkt, He passed away today:( Even though I don't go back home that often, I still feel really upset and sad about it. He was a great dog, really protective and had been through a lot. He was bitten by this massive dog a couple of years ago and almost died. He got lots of stitches around his neck as a result of that. It was a miracle he can survive that but not ticks? ARGHHH!!! makes me angry!! He wasn't that old either, around 7 years old, we named him after the first Indonesian Idol runner-up... I was looking forward to seeing him in 2 months, but obviously I won't now :( ...Rest in peace my dear dog.

I don't know what pic to take for today, so I just took this pic of my monchichi collection. I used to/still am a bit obssesed about monchichi. It's a japanese monkey character, and I find it really cute and adorable. The big one is from Josh (after I give him a not so subtle hint about it), the smaller size ones are from Glen:)



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