Thursday, December 31, 2009
Today is the last day of 2009! Gosh, can't believe its already end of the year. Looking back, theres been a few highs and lows. I think I achieved quite a lot this year, but on the other hand, theres so much stuff that I still havent got around to. Some of the 2009 highlights are travelling to Fiji, going back home again after 2 years and a new job thats gonna start next year. I think 2009 is quite a good year for me but lets hoping for a better 2010:)
I caught up with Wadam this arvo at Taman Anggrek Mall again to see Sherlock Holmes. Elice was supposed to join us but we couldn't get tickets for the early screening and she can't make it for the later one, so its just gonna be me and Wadam. The movie itself was quite alrite, Me and Wadam found the first part a bit boring and we kept on nodding off. The freezing aircon right on top of us didn't help either. In short, its basically CSI: 18th century London. I'm not feeling Robert Downey and Jude Law as Holmes and Watson at all but at least the movie pick up the pace in the latter half. I gave it 3 out of 5 stars.This is the picture of the ice skating rink thats located on the second top floor of the mall. I used to came here a lot when I was in high school. It used to be the coolest thing to do after school and me and my friends would just come to this mall, hang out, window shopping and skate. I'm an alright skater, but I wish i could do all those tricks and jumps.
After the movie, Wadam took me home so I can have dinner with my family. Its so nice to have dinner with just the 4 of us on the last day of the year because we don't do it often anymore. People around the neighborhood already started to put on some fireworks. There's no law about fireworks in Indonesia, so everyone can buy it and just play it on their backyard. We then just drove around the complex where I live and watch the fireworks.
Happy new year everyone! I wish you all the best in 2010. Keep on chasing your dreams!:)
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