Monday, December 21, 2009
Today was the kids and parenting sale day. We put stuff that we collected in storage such as unsent DVDs, books, CDs, and toys at the meeting room and email everyone in the building to come and have a look at it. Theres lots and lots of stuff for sale. Can't believe we collected so much stuff in just one year. If you got kids and want to get them cheap x'mas presents, our sale is like heaven for you. People go nuts for a sale like this. They queue almost an hour beforehand sometimes. We don't really have it often at ACP Goulburn st, but back when I used to work at Pac Pub, there's a sale like this every 4 months or so. I think our sale was a success, I don't know how much we made but it's more than enough to pay for the food catering tomorow hahaha.
After work, me, Tash, Fi and Yaz went to The Lovely Bones screening. It's a Peter Jackson movie starring Mark Walhberg and Rachel Weisz. It's about this girl who is killed by child molester and trapped in purgatory. It was an Ok movie, very heavy and sad obviously but there's something that just didn't sit quite well in the movie. I don't know whether its the way they describe the after life or just the way the story flows. It just missing something. I give it 3 out of 5.
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