Saturday, December 5, 2009
I had dinner at Sushi train tonight, then went to see Paranormal Activity at George St cinema with Gavin and Jafar. The movie is about this couple trying to videotape the weird things that have been happening at their house. The filmakers are trying to make this movie look like it's just a homemade, low budget movie ala Blair Witch Project. It works in some parts but, if you've already seen Blair Witch, then you would kind of guess what's gonna happen next.
The jerky handheld camera angle gave me a massive headache. I had to keep closing my eyes every couple of minutes and after so much built up, the ending is a bit of a let down. It's still different from other gory horror movies that been out recently nevertherless. I gave it 2 and a half out of 5.
Labels: movie
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