Friday, January 1, 2010
We finally made it to 2010! I haven't make any NY resolutions yet, I think I'm just gonna stay with the basics, like stay fit and healthy, be nicer to people (zip it!) and try to get to work on time (yea, so NOT gonna happen:P)Anyhoo, We went for lunch at my uncle's house. Its 5 storey house where my uncle and aunt lives with their son, his wife and their kids and gazillion maids. Their house is practically a private Sea World. As you can see from these pictures, they got lots of huge aquariums inside the house, filled with expensive tropical fish. You name it, they got it. They even got the touch and feel area and in case fish isn't your thing, they've got a private cinema on the top floor with a fully stocked bar. I wouldn't even leave the place at all if this was my house:P
We then all went to Grand Indonesia Mall (which is now practically my second house during this holiday) for dinner with a few of my cousins, nephews and nieces. They're all from my dad's side. We went to this chinese restaurant on level 5. There's soo many kids in our family, all the screaming and running around was driving me mental. Luckily I only get to see them once every 2 years hahaha. I haven't seen the twins before though. They're really cute and adorable and you deff can see the diff, not because one is a boy and one is a girl but they also don't look similar.
Labels: families
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