Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 151 - Goodbye Disney!!!

Finally it's my last day at Disney kids. After all those weeks waiting, the day has arrived. It also marked my last day doing kids magazine after around 5 years. 3 years at Total Girl and 2 years at Disney Adventures. I think it's safe to say that I know everything I need to know about Hannah Montanah, Hilary Duff, Ben 10 and all the HSM kids.

Karen made me this DA cover card with my faces on it and signed by everyone in the office. We also went for yumcha at Zilver in chinatown and in the afternoon, we had these 2 ice cream cakes, one for me and one for Ann.

It's quite sad leaving this crazy, cool group of people and also quite nerve wracking to start something new again. I'm gonna miss them all and I'm also gonna miss Goulburn st building. It's actually quite nice there, close to World Square and everything. I know I'm gonna keep in touch with them all anyway and I will come over as much as I can. It's only a couple blocks away.
So goodbye Kids, thanks for having me. It's been a pleasure:)


Adam said...

Ur an idiot! Superimposing your head onto those bodies, you wish! lol, too funny, but not at all suprising

Anonymous said...

i didn't ya fool!! dats the farewell card that they made for me!


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