Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 166 - All about Steve

It's been raining nonstop since last nite and I don't think it will stop anytime soon, so I just stayed at home today. Finishing up Kyle XY dvds and also watched Sandra Bullock's movie All about Steve. It's about this crazy crossword-maker hyper girl who stalked the boy she just met all the way across the country.
The review for this movie is really bad, but I actually find the movie quite funny. I think it's because I've been a huge fan of Sandy ever since I saw her in Speed and I watched all her movies even the crappy ones. Gun Shy and Two if by the sea anyone? My fave movie of her would be While you were sleeping. I watched that movie so many times and I never get bored of it. I just find her so easygoing and likeable and I think that's why I can tolerate her character in this movie. I give the movie 3 out of 5:)



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