Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Last day of Boot camp...YAYY!! my body was in so much pain this week.There were times where I couldn't even bend over or walk up the stairs. It's insane! I guess no pain no gain ay. That's me and Alice there before we started the last training.
After work I caught up with David to see this chinese movie at George st cinema, All's Well That Ends Well 2010. Its alright, kinda silly actually. Not as funny as it used to be. I watched it because its kind of a tradition to watch this movie during chinese new year's time. I gave it 2 and a half out of 5.
xThursday, February 25, 2010
Since I don't have a window in my corner, I can't see whats going on outside, so this is what I see everyday at work from behind my computer. The soothing face of Zefron. Bliss:P
Labels: work
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Day 2 of my boot camp and Whitney Houston's concert tonight at Acer Arena. I went to see it with David, his mum and his friend Robbie. In my opinion, she's awesome! She interacts alot with her audience and I never expected her to be as good as she used to. Her voice goes up and down sometimes. She can nail the notes in some songs, and others just a bit croacked. I still love her so much. When I was little Whitney's second album, Whitney, was the first cassette that I bought. I remeberred that day as if it was yesterday. I begged my dad to buy it for me after I heard I wanna dance with somebody on the radio, and I played that song over and over again for months hahaha. Ahhhh memories:)
Anyway, I think it was a good show, and she really put in some effort, so good on ya Whit and forget those haters! long live the diva!:)
Labels: shows
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Me and David went to see Percy Jackson and the lightning thief at George St cinema after work. Its a movie based on a children's book along the line of Harry Potter. It was alright. I quite enjoyed it even though it's not as good as Harry. The main guy looks like a younger version of Chace Crawford. I gave it 3 and a half out of 5.
After the movie, we went to eat at the Sushi Train in the cinema complex, hence the picture of the sushi plates.
Labels: movie
Monday, February 22, 2010
First day of boot camp. Me, Alice and Ashleigh from work sign up for this 3 days boot camp trial at The Domain during lunch hour. I'm excited and scared at the same time. It's gonna painful I'm sure.
Labels: work
Sunday, February 21, 2010
This is the Chinese new year parade. I think it started from George street and finished at the Entertaiment Centre. Me and Josip didn't know it was on tonight. We just finished dinner in Chinatown when we realised there's a huge group of spectators everywhere and they blocked the street around the chinatown area.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I went to Nevermind! tonight with Joel, Ian and Adrian. Haven't seen Adrian in ages and Ian has just come from Bangkok, so it was nice to catch up with them again. Nevermind! is a small club 2 shops away from Stonewall in oxford st. It was alrite, not as busy as friday nite. Not really feeling the $15 cover charge though. All in all it was a fun nite:)
Labels: club
Friday, February 19, 2010
Its Friday!!! Yayy! Catching up with my TG posse after work for dinner. Its our first 2010 dinner together. We've been pushing it back because we all been really busy so its nice to finally catch up as a group again.
I chose the restaurant this time and since Tans agree that Delima was nice, we went to eat there again. We swapped lots of stories and goss and after that we wandered around chinatown night market for a bit. It was a fun night and I think we will catch up again for Oscar night in a couple a weeks.
Labels: friends
Thursday, February 18, 2010
It's Celine Dion's movie day today, so excited!! Adam picked me up from work and we went to Bondi junction to see the movie. Gold class screening naturally, only the best for Celine and we ordered the seafood platter to eat during the screening. The movie is a behind-the-scenes look of her world tour in 2008-2009, with a couple of live performances of her hit songs. You learnt so much about her and her family, esp.her son in the movie. She's very down to earth and always polite to everyone. Its a truly enjoyable movie and I will def see it again next time. I gave it 5 out 5!:P
Also, Adam recliner seat is broken, and instead of moving us to the next seat, they gave us 2 complimentary ticket for another gold class screening. Score!! that basically mean we watched this movie for free:)
If you are wondering what that glass thing in the picture is, that's the original piece of stage flooring from her Las Vegas concert that my flatmate bought off the net. We went to Vegas a cpl yrs ago to see the show and he wanted something to remeber it by. Instead of buying the concert Dvd like normal person, he bought a chunk of the stage floor:P
Labels: movie
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
This is the inaugural issue of TOTAL FANZINE thats out today. It's a new monthly magazine aimed for kids with different subjects/topics every month. For the first and sadly my last issue, it's all about Toy Story since they are re-releasing part 1 and 2 in 3D at the cinema right now and the 3rd one is out soon. It was a really stressful time last year when I was doing this issue. Huge thanks to Ann and Luke for helping me, I'm really proud of the end result. It looks really great. So go get it people!!
After work, caught up with David for dinner to celebrate his B'day. We went to pizza restaurant in Paddington and Max Brenner for dessert. Hmmmm, I seriously can't resist their awesome chocolate drinks and dessert. At this rate, I'll be a size 36 within weeks. Happy B'day D!! wish u all the best and many more to come!
x Labels: work
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It's deadline's week and we started sending files today for COSMO Preg. So it's gonna be a really busy couple of days. It also marked my first deadline here. Yayy for me!! Can't believe I already finished an issue. Feels like I just started in this place!
Labels: work
Monday, February 15, 2010
Yepp, we're still don't have hot water and I'm still showering at David's place. Arghh!! Can't believe it took them this long just to fix it!! soo annoying!! NOT HAPPY AT ALL!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
After that, we went to Delima for dinner. Its pouring on the way there, so we ran like crazies. We were so drenched by the time we got there. The weathers been really bad lately. Luckily, the food was great as usual. It was a really fun day, spending chinese new year and valentine's with my friends. I'm so lucky to have them all:)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Caught up with David today for our shopping excursion to Westfield Bondi. He needs to buy a couple of things for his trip to the Phillipines at the end of this month. I didn't buy anything, but it's still fun nevertherless. Before that, we had lunch at Ichiban Boshi. That's David there with his lunch:P
Got back home and was going to take a shower, but there's no hot water. Apparently our hot water tower or whatever that is got hit by lightning last nite. Yea of course! anyway, it won't be fixed until monday. Unbelieveable! so I went back to David's place, since he's my neighbour and took a shower there.
After that we watched The Blind Side on Dvd starring Sandra Bullock. I saw bit of it a couple of weeks ago and I fell asleep. It's a true story about Michael Oher, a homeless black kid who met this rich white family and they make him as part of the family. He then continues on to became a successful american football player. The movie is very inspiring even though some parts are just way to good to be true, but it actually happened. You really end up rooting for him at the end of the movie. Sandra Bullock is quite good in her Erin Brockovich get-up. She got an Academy award nomination for this role and I really hope she gets it! It's about time! I give the movie 4 and a half out of 5.
Friday, February 12, 2010
I caught up with David H for dinner tonight after work. We went to this Balkan seafood restaurant in Oxford street. We tried the sampler mix platter and it was quite nice. Luv the squid and beef. The weather was shit though. Raining and humid. Bad combination for my hair. After that, we walked back to Chinatown and grabbed ice cream dessert from Cold Rock. I love Cold Rock, even though I always mix the same thing hahaha.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I got all these gift vouchers for X'mas and my farewell and I haven't had the time to use them, so tonight after work, Adam and I went to Westfield Eastgardens to look around the shop. Found a buttoned shirt from YD and 2 t-shirts from Myers. I didn't end up using them all though. Can't find anything else that I like/fit me. Oh well, I'll save it for next time.
Labels: shopping
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I spent most of the day today at work, and since its really busy, I don't really have anything interesting to take picture of. This is my Paris map bag that I had for ages. I just don't use it often because it's a bit too big and I don't really carry much stuff around anyway. Ppl always compliment me on it everytime I use it:)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
That's me crashing Disney Girl shoot in the studio. I don't know what the theme is, but its look like Alice In wonderland tea party. I wish I can eat all the cookies and cupcakes and not put on weight. Got a bit of a shock when I came to the office and hopped onto the scales. According to it, I put on 5 kg since last week. That can't be right. Luckily, Alicia told me that the scales are broken. Phew! Stil, I don't wanna take any chances!
After work, I caught up with Tash to see advanced screening of Shutter Island. It's a thriller movie by Martin Scorcese starring Leonardo Dicaprio and Michelle Williams. Since we already promised not to put any review before the embargo date, I'm not gonna write anything about this movie hahaha.
After work, I caught up with Tash to see advanced screening of Shutter Island. It's a thriller movie by Martin Scorcese starring Leonardo Dicaprio and Michelle Williams. Since we already promised not to put any review before the embargo date, I'm not gonna write anything about this movie hahaha.
Monday, February 8, 2010
I met up with Matt after work and we both headed to George st cinema for the advance screening of The Rebound. It's a romantic comedy starring Catherine Zeta-Jones and Justin Bartha. She's playing a recently single mum who hook ups with a much younger guy. It's an alright movie. It has its funny moments. The most impressive thing about the movie is how tight CZJ's skin is. Like seriously, Theres not even a slightest wrinkle when she tried to move her face and show emotions. I gave the movie 3 out of 5 and 5 out of 5 for CZJ's plastic surgeon. x
Labels: movie
Sunday, February 7, 2010
It's sunday night, time for me to hang out with my neighbour David again. We got ourselves pizza and garlic bread and we watched Beyonce's Las Vegas concert while waiting for The Biggest Loser. It's a a typical over-the-top Beyonce concert. Great voice, wind machine, and mad dance. Love her or hate her, that girl can perform for sure.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
It's been raining nonstop since last nite and I don't think it will stop anytime soon, so I just stayed at home today. Finishing up Kyle XY dvds and also watched Sandra Bullock's movie All about Steve. It's about this crazy crossword-maker hyper girl who stalked the boy she just met all the way across the country.
The review for this movie is really bad, but I actually find the movie quite funny. I think it's because I've been a huge fan of Sandy ever since I saw her in Speed and I watched all her movies even the crappy ones. Gun Shy and Two if by the sea anyone? My fave movie of her would be While you were sleeping. I watched that movie so many times and I never get bored of it. I just find her so easygoing and likeable and I think that's why I can tolerate her character in this movie. I give the movie 3 out of 5:)
Labels: movie
Friday, February 5, 2010
I feel so tired today, it's been a long week I guess, and the weather has been kinda crap too. Humid and sticky most of the week. Thank gawd it's friday. I just went straight home after work and relax and finally got the chance to finish my Kyle XY series. The show got cancelled 2 yrs ago in the US and I havent got the chance to watch the last season of it. It was quite good but I'm also a bit upset since the final episode is a cliffhanger. Like helllooo, why can't they just finish it with a happy ending instead? Now we are all left with all these unanswered questions. Goodbye Kyle, I'm gonna miss ya!! Rest in peace in TV heaven:)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
It's Kristyn's last day today at Disney Kids, She's moving to Park St building, just like me, but on level 4. So to Farewell her, we all went for lunch at Mr.B. The food was great as usual. Good luck with the new job Jenks! you'll be great and I'm sure I will bump into you often:)
After work, I caught up with David and we went for dinner at a vietnamese restaurant in Crown st called Xage. Its a small restaurant but it so busy. Lucky David already made a reservation. The food was quite good, I had pork belly for main, but it's so hard for us to have a conversation because its really noisy there. They also only accept cash, so make sure u guys remember that if you wanna eat there one day. And since they don't do desserts there, we caught a bus to Max Brenner's Paddington. Chocolate babka for us. Yum!!:)
Labels: work
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tans invited me along to see advance screening of Valentine's day movie after work. The movie is basically American's version of Love Actually, with lots of stories and characters interlaping in just one day. It starred who's who in Hollywood. From Anne Hathaway to Taylor Swift. Of course with a title like that, the movie bound to be cheesy. Some actors fare well than others, like Jessica Biel who is suprisingly really good in her role. It's def a non thinking movie. I gave it 3 out of 5.
In another breaking news:p, Disney Adventures ROCKS is out today. This will be my last fully involved issue, since I only did half of the next one. Full of goss, news, quizzes and DIY tips from your favourite Disney stars. It also comes with free necklaces and stickers. Best.Issue.Ever! Go out now and buy it ppl!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Since I work nearby Woolies Town Hall, I always get my groceries from there. It's not really my fave to shop because it's always busy and the checkout queue is a b!tch. Anyway, I bought these soy milks from there since I'm lactose intolerant and I can't drink full cream milk. The best part about soy milk, beside giving you a smooth skin, is they have a really long shelf life so I can buy lots and not have to worry about having to finish them fast. I really love this chocolate flavour one.
Monday, February 1, 2010
This is some of the books that I'm half way read. I'm such a slow reader, it takes me months to finish a book sometimes. And speaking of reading materials, The latest issue of COSMOPOLITAN Bride is out today! full of information on how to achieve your perfect wedding day and lot's of wedding dress options to choose from. So come on ppl, go to the nearest newsagent and grab it while its hot, hot, hot!!
Labels: work
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