Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 98 - Where the wild things are

I went to the Where the Wild Things are screening after work with Adam. It's a movie based on a children's book. I've never read the book before so I didn't know what the movie was about. It's actually not a bad movie. You can feel the anger from the kid which I think is borderline ADD and also the sadness of the creatures when he's leaving them to go back to his own world.
The larger than life wild things creatures looks really good and the boy's acting is very natural and believeable. As a movie for kids, I would recommend this one over Disney's Christmas Carol. I gave it 3 and a half out of 5 stars.

That's me with the movie poster in the cinema, and also me with Haddady at the office goofing around. She went to the screening too with her friends.



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