Friday, November 20, 2009
I took a day off today coz I knew I was gonna be really tired after yesterday. But I didn't even get enough sleep because it was way too hot. Heatwave. It would prob have been much better if I went to work with the AC.
I caught up with Ben at Central station before he had to head off to the airport and going back to London. It was fun to catch up with him while he's in Sydney and I'm sure he'll be back here again soon.
Then I went for dinner in one of the restaurants at Cockle Bay wharf, I can't remember the name of the restaurant but the food was quite good. I had the sampler size of meats and it was huge!! I also had the Toblerone cocktail, yumm!! The weather was really shit thou. Hot, then rain, then it stopped and rain again and it was really humid too. So we decided to go to Star City where it's at least cooler. Tried to gamble a bit, but it was deff not our lucky nite, we should just spent the money on ice cream instead. boo:(
They also have this photo exhibition in Darling harbour, sponsored by UNICEF. It's self drawings of kids from all over the world. Some are really funny. You guys should check it out if you're in the area.

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