Monday, November 30, 2009
I went to the Where the Wild Things are screening after work with Adam. It's a movie based on a children's book. I've never read the book before so I didn't know what the movie was about. It's actually not a bad movie. You can feel the anger from the kid which I think is borderline ADD and also the sadness of the creatures when he's leaving them to go back to his own world.
The larger than life wild things creatures looks really good and the boy's acting is very natural and believeable. As a movie for kids, I would recommend this one over Disney's Christmas Carol. I gave it 3 and a half out of 5 stars.
That's me with the movie poster in the cinema, and also me with Haddady at the office goofing around. She went to the screening too with her friends.
Labels: movie
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Went for dinner at Delima tonight with Will. Delima is an Indonesian Restaurant located in chinatown. I forgot the name of the street. Its quite a nice indo restaurant. Deff classier than Joy cafe hahaha. I've been here a few times before. The food and the service are always good. So if you guys wanna try Indonesian food, I recommended this restaurant.
That picture there is Will's drink. He's obsessed with aloe vera drink now and that one is with mango flavour. I tried it and it wasn't that bad at all. You can feel the jellyish aloe vera but it doesn't smell, and it tastes just like mango drink.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
From one crappy movie to another, I went to see New Moon today with Adam at Hoyts Broadway. To be fair, it is actually a bit better than the first one, but seriously, this movie is just full of cheesy one-liners. So much angst in it make me wanna bitch-slap someone after (come here Bella). Kristen Stewart's acting is just meh, she always talks in this monotonic voice and Robert Pattinson... gosh I don't even know if you count frowning and sulking as acting! His make-up is really really bad. They really need to tone down the lipstick. It's really distracting.
The only good thing about this movie is Taylor Lautner shirtless. This is deff his movie and he carried it off well. Not that I pay too much attention to his acting ability anyway. Also the much hyped Dakota Fanning is only there for like less than 5 minutes with only 2 lines, the most memorable one being "pain!". I gave it 3 out of 5.
Before the movie, we went to Glebe temple. It was a bit busy today. And after the movie, we went to Essen for dinner, Shnitzel as usual for me:)
Labels: movie
Friday, November 27, 2009
So I went to Newtown to see A Serious Man with Phil. I didn't know anything about the movie, but Phil wanted to see it because it's the Coen brothers' movie. And let me tell you, I still don't know anything about this movie! It's supposed to be a dark comedy movie about this Jewish family man set in the 60's and how he's having so many problems with his work and personal life, but I didn't even find the movie funny at all. It's long and drags and the ending is just lame and weird. I've never seen any of the Coen's movies before, but If they're all similar like this, I don't think I'm interested in seeing it. I give it 2 out of 5 stars.
After that, we walked to Amazon's grill restaurant nearby to grab dinner. It's a weirdly decorated restaurant with fake torches and fake trees and it kinda has a Hawaii/Miami feel to it. It's really busy though and the music is really loud, so ppl have to scream at each other in order to talk. The food was alright, huge portions. I had this steak and I only managed to eat half of it.
Labels: movie
Thursday, November 26, 2009
We all went to the new pub opposite work for Luke's getting married lunch. It's called Mr B, and it got a thai-japanese restaurant inside. The food is quite good and its not overly expensive at all. I wish I ordered the lunch box like Luke's one thou. This is me with Jenks and Yaz hanging out on their outside seating area. Congratz Btw Luke!! Hope u have an amazing wedding and live happily ever after hahaha.
Labels: work
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Me, Klai and Tash went to Zilver in chinatown for yum cha lunch. I've never eaten there before but boy, am so gonna come back again! The food was good and we definitely got the best table - right beside the kitchen. The food trolley kept on coming every 5 seconds when we hadn't even had time to eat the one on our table yet. Was soo full by the end of it! :)
Then after work, I went to Newtown to see MIKA with Dem and her friend Vicky. He's playing at Enmore theatre. Before I met Dem, I tried to go to my friend's place. The missing friend. No-one is there. Tried to peek from the toilet, theres sandals and soaps and when I tried to look from the kitchen I could see that there's bread on the table. It's not mouldy at all, so someone must be there recently. I left a note under the door before I left, asking anyone whose there to give me a ring. Hopefully someone will ring me.
Back to Enmore theatre, when we got inside something smelt really bad. We thought it was the carpet, or maybe the smoke from the smoke machine. Me and Dem even sniffed the wall trying to figure out where the smell was coming from. Trust me, it was really bad. After a while, the woman beside Dem started talking to her, I had to do a double-take on her face, and I kid you not, this woman had a full on beard with a moustache. She can deff be the face of the Movember.
We then realised that the smell was actually coming from her!! so we moved to the other side of the room 'cause it was really bad. I was so tempted to take a pic of her, we were all wondering how the hell she can afford $90 tix to see MIKA when she can't even afford to buy deodorant or a razor.
Anyhoo, back to MIKA, the concert was really good. The vibe in the room was just pure joy and fun, and he's obviously having a ball too. I saw him 3 years ago when he played at Fox studio and I actually prefered that concert back then, I dunno why, but this one is still good nevertherless. His support band are awesome and he didn't do any covers at all, maybe because he's got enough original material now to do a 2 hour live show. Fun time for everyone :)
Labels: shows
Monday, November 23, 2009
I went to Law Abiding Citizen screening tonight with Jenks, Yaz and Dennis at George St cinemas. It's a thriller/drama movie starring Jamie Foxx and Gerald Butler. It's about this guy whose taking revenge on the justice system after his wife and daughter get murdered.
It's a very entertaining movie, and some of the scenes keep us on the edge of our seats. Lots of killing involved. You will like it if you don't think about the plot too much and wondering how he managed to do all the stuff that he do. I'm actually kinda rooting for him, but I think he pushed the envelope way too far. I gave it 3 and a half out of 5 stars.
Somehow me and Yaz got a wet seat, we're trying to convince ourselves that its prob because its just been steamed cleaned. We ended up leaving the cinemas with wet pants.
Labels: movie
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Since I spent most of the day at home trying hard not to move around too much, I couldn't find anything interesting to take pic of for today, so I just took this pic of the plants on my balcony. No, i'm not into gardening. It's my flatmate's. I'm not a big fan of plants actually, If I live by myself, there won't be any plants at all. Flowers in a vase or cactus maybe, but no other boring garden stuff. x
Saturday, November 21, 2009
No, contrary to your belief, this is not my bedroom ceiling or my balcony. I don't have mirror balls and disco lights in my bedroom. This is from the window display of the shop that I always walk past everytime I walk home from the city. I think they're selling light fitting or something.
Anyway move on to the next topic, apparently one of my friends is "missing". His employee been looking for him because he hasnt turn up to work for a month. I can't contact him because his phone has been disconnected and all his bills are redirected to my friend's place.
The last time I heard from him was when he was about to go home to Jkt, so I think he's prob still in Indonesia and taking a long extended holiday. I will check his place later in the week. Hopefully he's fine. This isn't the first time he did this thou, so I'm not that worried this time.
Friday, November 20, 2009
I took a day off today coz I knew I was gonna be really tired after yesterday. But I didn't even get enough sleep because it was way too hot. Heatwave. It would prob have been much better if I went to work with the AC.
I caught up with Ben at Central station before he had to head off to the airport and going back to London. It was fun to catch up with him while he's in Sydney and I'm sure he'll be back here again soon.
Then I went for dinner in one of the restaurants at Cockle Bay wharf, I can't remember the name of the restaurant but the food was quite good. I had the sampler size of meats and it was huge!! I also had the Toblerone cocktail, yumm!! The weather was really shit thou. Hot, then rain, then it stopped and rain again and it was really humid too. So we decided to go to Star City where it's at least cooler. Tried to gamble a bit, but it was deff not our lucky nite, we should just spent the money on ice cream instead. boo:(
They also have this photo exhibition in Darling harbour, sponsored by UNICEF. It's self drawings of kids from all over the world. Some are really funny. You guys should check it out if you're in the area.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
After months and months of waiting, it's finally here! Me and the girls from work went to Acer Arena to see Brit Brit Circus's concert. OMG! The male to female audiences ratio is like 1:10. All the girls are dressing up wearing short dresses and killer high heels. It's like they're all trying to auditions for ANTM.
We got amazing seats, and the concert itself was good. She had lots of amazing dancers on the stage, I thinks it's to cover up the fact that she's mostly just running around from one end to another, and of course, she's miming the whole thing. I don't mind that part, but I wished that she would at least interact more with the audience and talk more. It feels like she's on auto-pilot sometimes, She's the master in hair flicking thou. I still enjoyed it nevertherless. But she's definitely not all there yet. Keep improving Brit, we all love you!
Me and Yas with the merchandise stand in the background, I ended up buying the program.And here's me and Val who I bumped into while queueing for drinks. We go all the way back from my Total Girl time. We used to sit beside each other so it was nice to finally catch up with her again.
Labels: shows
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Me, Ben and Adam went for dinner at Pancakes on the Rocks after work. The food's always good there, even though they stuffed up our order a bit tonight. After that, we went for a bit of walk nearby. Saw this huge cruise ship at the terminal. I've never been on a cruise before, not sure whether I'd find it boring or relaxing? Maybe I'll find out one day :)
Oh, and here's Ben with his best tourist pose under the Harbour Bridge.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
It's Jess B'day today, and Martine baked us this yummy cake and brownies. Man, those brownies are so fricking yummy, she should make it once a week at least:P. We also went to the usual vietnamese restaurant for her lunch b'day.
After work, I went to the Planet 51 screening. Its an animated movie with the voices of Justin Long, Jessica Biel and The Rock. Its about this planet which is basically like our planet except its populated by green peoples and suddenly invaded by an alien spaceship carrying human astronaut. He needs to go back to his world with the help of his new friends.
Its a fun kids movie, and so much better than G-Force. The storyline is simple and the graphics are really good. It would appeal mostly to boys under the age of 10 I think. I gave it 3 and a half out of 5.
Labels: movie
Monday, November 16, 2009
Gosh, Monday has never been my favorite day of the week, and today was no exception.
It felt liked it drag way too long. Had lunch with Ben at Korean buffet and that's about it really.
I didn't even know what pic to take for today, so I'm just gonna leave you with this pic of me walking to my place. Yea, fun day obvs...NOT!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Dear Santa,
saw these shoes in one of the shops in World Square. I think I've been moderately good this year, so it would be nice if you can send me this one, preferable in size 42. I know I can get it myself, but I don't think my wallet would be happy to part with $250 in exchange for the shoes. You can also throw in an iPhone while ur wrapping the shoes, heck, you don't even need to wrap it. I'm not fussy.
I gotta go now, but if I see anything else I want, I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Went to the gong again to see the temple with Adam and Ben today, since Ben's never been there before. It's quite a long drive, but oh so worth it. We also went to Kiama to see the blowhole, but sadly, nothing much happening at all today. Oh well, at least the weather was nice.
After that, we stopped at Miranda Westfield on the way home to see 2012. It's a popcorn, no-brainer movie about how the world comes to an end in 2012 because of the overheating at the core of the earth. It stars John Cusack and Amanda Peet. If you had seen The day after tomorrow, or Deep impact, then you kinda know how the story goes. Nothing original whatsoever but it was still fun to watch nonetheless. The special effects were really good, but clocking in at 2 and half hours, it's quite a long movie, so make sure u go to the toilet beforehand. I give it 3 and a half out of 5 stars.
Friday, November 13, 2009
This is me and Ann monkeying around at the office. Ann is sitting behind me now, and she's a really good illustrator. You can check out her work here:
I also had Korean buffet again for lunch with Andrej. Grrr, so much for trying to lose weight. Thanx Andrej!!
I saw this on the way back home. Something apparently was burning inside the carriage on the train beside my train. The worker there was trying to put it out and I could see that the whole wall was black. I couldn't really take a good pic of it coz I was inside my train and it was about to leave, but it would be quite interesting if I could find out what actually happened there.
Labels: work
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Adam and I took Ben to Newtown for a pub dinner at Kelly's. I never eat there before. It was good and the serving was huge!
After that we went for a drive to show Ben around. We went to Maroubra beach and ended up at Max Brenner Wynyard for dessert. While I was enjoying my white chocolate balls, I felt something soft crawling on my bare foot (since I was wearing thongs). I looked down and it was this giant rat that just came from the mall beside the shop.
I jumped and screamed straight away and the rat just ran around the whole shop. Some girls screamed and some just starring not knowing what to do. It finally went to the storeroom and they locked the door and getting some bin to remove it. Nice one rat!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
...and her name is Coco. Nice dog, bit smelly thou:P. Bec brought her to work because she locked herself out from her place. Typical Madden I must say hahaha.
Labels: work
Monday, November 9, 2009
I caught up with my friend Ben after work tonight. We went for dinner at iTaiwan – it wasn’t my first choice but Fujiya was closed so I thought I’d opt for something close by and with good food! Ben arrived from the UK yesterday and he'll be here for 2 weeks. We’ve known each other for a long time so it should be fun! A bit down on ideas of where to take him though – he’s been here before and Sydney isn’t exactly a big city.
Oh well, he can always refer to his thick Lonely Planet Guide :P
Labels: friends
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Didn't do much today, just watched some stuff that I had TIVOed during the week and then went to work for a bit. I thought I was gonna be by myself there, but Jenks was there too. Yay, company:)
Before that I went to the new JB HIFI that's just opened at World Square, across the street from my building. Gosh, it's dangerous hanging out there for too long. You just want to buy everything:P. I got myself the new MIKA cd and Glee soundtracks :)
So for today's post, I took pics of me with my glasses. I have lots of glasses... sunnies as well as clear ones. I don't wear them often, and I don't even actually need normal glasses since I had lasik a couple of years ago (totally recommended Btw, fast, painless, and the result is amazing).
I just like getting them and wear them once in a while, I think it makes me look a bit smarter. Yeaaa, shuddup guys:P
Labels: shopping
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Me and Adam went to see the Sculpture by the sea at Bondi today. The place was so jam packed with people. There's some cool ones and some are just meh. I put some pics of the ones that I like here, like the man statue and the eyeballs. But the one that I really want to see the most there was not the exhibition but Bumblebee from Transformer movie hahaha. He's there to promote the Transformer DVD release. Coolness!!:)After that, we went to Oxford st for dinner at this small thai restaurant then off to Broadway to see The Time Traveller's wife. Rachel McAdams is so gorgeous. She's like the queen of tear jerker movie now after this one and The Notebook, and I think this genre suits her. It also starred Eric Bana's bum, since we've seen so many close up's of it:P. Try not to think to much to the storylines. It is a bit similar to The Lake House and it's also set in Chicago. It's a full screening. Lots of girls and their pussy-whipped bf (that's what Adam said) hahaha. Its the ultimate chick flick and if you know me, I'm a sucker for this kind of movie. I give it 4 and a half out of 5 stars.
BYO tissue Btw:(
Labels: movie
Friday, November 6, 2009
So I stayed at work until 9pm today. Yeah, nine! on Friday night. So much for having an active social life! I don't mind staying back at work once in a while, especially when there’s a deadline looming. In this case, its next week. What’s really bugging me is that my stupid work computer keeps on failing when I try to output work to PDF. I spent almost an hour trying to PDF one page and it just wouldn’t print. Finally I gave up and I’ll just wait until Monday to try it again or use someone else’s computer. Don't you just hate it when that happens? ARGHH!!! coorperate with me, u damn computer!

They're all in Hong kong right now actually with some of my uncles and aunties, having a big family holiday. Yeah, having fun while I'm slaving away at work!! They're going to spend a couple of days in Hong Kong, then to china to visit my grandparents' hometown.
They asked me whether I want to join them, but I passed it up. I Don't think that spending my holiday with all my uncles, aunties, and cousins is a perfect holiday for me. Too many people and it’s probably gonna end up in tears LOL.

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Josh and I went to the screening of Broken Embraces at Paramount office after work. It's a spanish movie starring Penelope Cruz and directed by Pedro Almadovar. It’s their fourth collaboration together. The movie is about this blind director whose confronted by his past and it’s about to get a closure. We then get all the flashback scenes about his tragic affair with a woman, played by Pene of course, who already has a much older boyfriend, and all the problems that ensue.
It's an ok movie, but a bit too long for my liking. Sometimes it feels like they're really stretching it. It's not as good as their last collaboration, Volver. I gave it three out of five stars.
Labels: movie
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I was so so busy today at work and with other stuff that I realised I haven't taken a pic of anything, and I'm deff not gonna take pic of myself. My skin is peeling like crazy. It just look a bit gross, and people that I walk pass look at me weirdly. I'm also already at home and I couldn't be bothered to go outside and take some pics, so I'll just give you this pic. My mini-me and Las Vegas neon sign.
I went to Vegas in 2006. The reason we went there wasn't for gambling. I don't even remember putting money in the slot machines at all actually. We went there because we wanted see Celine Dion at the colosseum. It was at the time when Celine only performed there and no where else. The show was really great and I ended up watching it again when she was touring Australia last year. Vegas itself was amazing. It's hot, but not humid, because it's in the middle of the desert, and everyone was just walking around drinking, shopping and gambling. It's a tourist capital deff. There's so many attractions in each casinos, that you don't even have to gamble to enjoy the city. Cirque de soleil, Madame Tussaud's, etc. I'll deff will go back there again one day.
And here's the real pic of me with the strip as a background, Ha, I'm wearing the same t-shirt as my mini-me, obvs, I need to wear diff shirt more often:P
Labels: vacation
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
It's Melb Cup day today, for those who don't know what The Melb Cup is, it's basically one day of the year where everyone in Australia stops working and bet on a thoroughbred horse race. It's the race that stop the nation. The event is held at around 3 pm on the first Tuesday in November. And how do I know all that?? Wikipedia of course :P.
Me and the girls at work put some money on a horse or more thru TAB, and also do an office sweep. At around 2.30, we all headed off to the pub across the st, Maloney's for lunch and drinks and watch the race. I put my money on the favourites, Viewed and Alcopop. To everyone suprise, the favourite didn't win. The cup went to the horse named Shocking, yea, shocking indeed. There goes my 20$. boo!!!! Oh well, there's always next year.
After work, I went to see The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus with Luke and Hai, I didn't wanna see this movie in the first place. I would have prefered to see All about Steve, but 2 against 1, so we ended up watching this. It's Heath Ledger's final movie, and it's about this immortal gypsy, Dr Parnassus who gambles with the devil, with his own daughter (Lily Cole) as a prize. I was suprised at how much I enjoyed the movie. The special effects in the parallel world looked really good and the transitions between Heath and the other actors (Johnny Deep, Colin Farrel, and Jude Law) who played his character, since he passed away before completing this movie is believable. Lily Cole also proved that she can actually act, and not just because of her pretty face. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars.
Monday, November 2, 2009
So I guess I didn't get the golden tan from yesterday, Instead my skin is really burnt. My whole body is in pain!! arghhh! It's so unfair! Deff will use sun block again next time for sure. I'm using all these products in the pics to help me ease the pain. The Body Shop aloe is quite good, even thou it smelled a bit. Hopefully the pain will be gone soon and the peeling process starts. Not really looking forward to that one :(
Here's the team from the photo shoot last friday. From clockwise, me, Will the photographer, Mandy the make-up artist, Bec and Kat. We wanted to take a group pics before we returned the props (the haystacks and horse saddle).
Labels: work
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Joel and I went to Maroubra beach this morning to get a well needed tan. We stayed there for a couple of hours. I didn't wear any sun block because I thought I didn't really need it and that I will end up with a nice golden tan. Boy I was wrong - I got sun burnt!! My skin is all red and it hurts when I smile. I look like an overcooked prawn!
Someone was sending a love message there in the sky via a sky-writing plane. However, we couldn't figure out the name of the person in the message. It was either that the pilot spelt it wrong or he ran out of smoke. It's quite romantic, yet cheesy. You could get the same result via SMS, and it's much easier on the pocket and better for the enviroment: P
Oh, check out this blog too, I find it so hilarious: