Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 7 - Cake and ice cream

I thought today was going to drag on and on but it's actually quite alright, perhaps because we had a long lunch to celebrate Bec's birthday in a café near Central. It's quite a nice change from the restaurant to which we usually go for lunch.

We then had a nice yummy b'day cake. Had mine with ice cream of course hahaha. Happy Birthday again Bec! Hope you had a good one:) 40 is the new 20...I'M KIDDING!!!!:P

Went back home and watched Idol which I Tivo'd last nite. I was thinking about doing some exercise but instead ended up chatting online with my friends. Ah well, there's always gonna be tomorrow.
Big thanks to Jenks and Joel:)

Song of the day: "I wanna know what love is" - Mariah Carey



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