Friday, March 26, 2010
When I first started this blog, I was pretty sure I can do a post a day easily.
Boy, how I was wrong! It's deff not as easy as it seems, finding something interesting to photograph from your daily life. Also lately work has been really really busy and I don't wanna bore anyone with almost similar pics everyday so I decided to stop the daily post now and just post sporadically when something interesting comes up.
A big thanks to everyone whose been reading my blog (whoever and wherever you are:P).
Love you all more than cupcakes hahaha
Thursday, March 25, 2010
This time courtesy of Ashleigh's mum, taste soo much better than the ones from the shop I must say. This deadline week is not good for my waistline:P
Labels: work
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Tash and Karen came down to see me and brought me this yummy cupcakes from the studio, Yum!! its a great way to start deadline week. I ate them all of course hahahaha. Thanks guys:))
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I had a bad craving for Krispi Kremes, so David drove me to the one near the airport and I bought half a dozen assorted donuts, There's no better way to end your sunday with a sweet treat or 6:P
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
I went to Broadway tonight with David to see Brothers, Its a war theme movie starring Tobey Maguire and Natalie Portman. I really really like the movie, It's really sad and thought provoking and the 3 main actors gave excellent performances. I gave it 4 out of 5
Labels: movie
Thursday, March 18, 2010
1 week before deadline, so it's gonna be a really busy 2 weeks and long night for everyone. That's the wall filled with all the print outs for the upcoming issue. We hang it all there so everyone can see how the magazine is gonna flow and for color and page changes. Along with The book, the wall need to be update constantly.
Labels: work
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I went to the screening of She's Out of My League with Joel tonight, it's a romantic comedy about this girl who everyone thinks is a perfect 10, she falls in love with an average guy. It's an alright movie, lots of funny bits, I gave it 3 out of 5.
After that, we had dinner at Sushi train and here's a pic from the Timezone nearby.
Labels: movie
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I haven't seen Phil in ages, so we caught up today to see A Single Man in Broadway. It's a movie starring Colin Firth and Nicholas Hoult, directed and produced by Tom Ford. I really really love the movie. It's about this man whose planning to end his life because his younger long term partner has died in car accident. It's very artistic, visually and Colin Firth is amazing. He looked so much diff from his other movies that I've seen him in. I kept on studying his face wondering whether or not he had work done because he just looked really good. It's a minimalist and stylist movie, much like Tom Ford's design. I gave it 4 and half out of 5.
Labels: movie
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Me and David went shopping at Westfield Chatswood and I got myself a shirt and a FCUK bag. I just can't help buying a new bag even though I already have at least 10 bags at home. Bags and watches are my weakness:P. After that, we went to see my friend Stephen's reopening of his and his partner, Sandra's photographic lab after their recent renovations. It's located in Lane Cove and it's nice to see how and where he does his printing work. Their lab equipments must cost them a fortune. Congrats to both of them!
Labels: shopping
Friday, March 12, 2010
I caught up with Luke after work to see The Green Zone starring Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear... Hmm, 2 Greg Kinnear's movie in a row, he's been busy. It's a war /action movie about a soldier in Iraq who stumbled upon some goverment cover up about weapons of mass destruction. It's an alright movie I guess, but seeing this so soon after I saw The Hurt Locker, makes the movie less interesting. I gave it 3 out of 5.
Caught up with David for dinner after. I had a sudden craving of KFC, so we went to get some wicked wings...yumm:P
And here's the pic of me, Dem and Glambert that the publicist finally sent to me. He's so frickin' tall!!! Luv it:)
Labels: movie
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Me and Matt went to The Last Song screening at Sony Theaterette straight after work It's another Nicholas Sparks movie starring tween idol Miley Cyrus and newcomer Liam Hemsworth. If you've ever seen any of his novels turned movies before then you're gonna be familiar with the plotline. Its almost the exact carbon copy with the others. White house, cancer, letters. Yepp, all there. Dude needs to go away and find some new material to write about instead of keep recycling the same material again and again.
What's more shocking about this movie is actually Miley's lips. It's the most overworked pout in the business after Keira Knightleys. Way too many close-ups of her pouting and making duckface, it turned the movie into comedy. It's def far from sexy let me tell you. I give this movie 3 out of 5, 2 alone are for her lips' acting ability.
That's Matt in Central station waiting for his train doing his best Miley's duckface impersonation.
Labels: movie
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
My Flatmate bought this and he's trying to grow salad. It's been more than a week I think. I personally wouldn't have the patience waiting for things to grow so slowly. I would rather go to the shop and get it straight away, but hey, each to their own:P
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
David brought this lollies for me from Melb since I ask for it. I love this rock hand-made lollies but I can't seem to find it in Syd. They used to have a shop at Westfield Bondi but last time I went there, it's already gone.
Also, the new, and my first issue, of COSMOPOLITAN Pregnancy is out too. I designed lots of pages here and its full of useful information for expecting mums, so go grab a copy guys!:)
Labels: work
Monday, March 8, 2010

Me and Dem went to Hilton Hotel's Marble Bar to see Adam Lambert's showcase tonight. For those who are not familiar with Adam, he's the runner-up of American Idol 2009 and prob the most controversial one. He sang a few songs from his debut album and trust me, his voice is AMAZING!!! I'm just blown away by his talent. He's also very down to earth. We got to chat with him for a bit and took pics with him, which I will put up here once the publicist send me the pic.
It was a really fun night. Food and drinks flowing non-stop. They also made a special drink for him called Glambertini, but they already stopped making it when we asked for it...BOOO!!!
Not to name dropped, but Kelly Rowland was there too, cpl of metres away from us, hanging out with her posse watching him perform:P
Thanks Stamell, for really pushing the publicist so we both can be there hahaha, there's lots and lots of emails involved there, trust me.
Labels: shows
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Backstreet Boys concert tonite.Yayyy!! Went to see it with Tash at Entertainment Centre. I saw their concert last yr or 2 yrs ago I think with Tans, but we got a crap seat last time. This time we sat 10th row from the stage so we def get to see everything up close. The concert was good, they sang lots of their old hits and some new ones from the new album and since we know most of the songs anyway, we sang along loudly hahaha. It's very cheesy concert thou, the dance, the overacting and the 90's costumes but I think thats what makes it so enjoyable. A fun trip down memory lane:)
P.S. Nick is always my favourite BSB
Labels: shows
Friday, March 5, 2010
Seeing Dear John tonight with who else? John of course hahaha yea, that's just a pure coincidence:) It's a movie based on Nicholas Sparks' tear jerker novel starring Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried. I'm always a big fan of Nicholas Sparks since The Notebook, but lately all his stuff are kinda the same. Kissing in the rain, horses, cancer, love letters, its becoming really predictable now and same goes for this movie. Channing and Amanda are gorgeous together, but the story is just...meh, like can it get anymore predictable? I still almost cried watching the scene where he read the letter from himself to his dad though.
I gave it 3 and a half out of 5 and thats largerly because Channing looks good in his surfing scenes:)
John suddenly became camera shy so all I can take pic of is just his back. If you wondering what the front part looked like, google Michael Pitt, because that is his doppleganger:P
Labels: movie
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Alice In Wonderland 3D screening at Imax today. YAYY!! I've been waiting to see this movie for ages, and finally got the screening for it. Saw it with Matt after work and I loved it:) I think Helena Bonham-Carter stole the movie as The Red Queen, she's just so hilariously funny to watch and so is Matt Lucas as Tweedledee and Tweedledum. I'd much prefer to see it in a normal cinema screen though, because Imax is just way too big and we sat right on the side. I gave it 4 out 5 and I would def see it again soon:)
Labels: movie
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Another day, another Robert Pattinson movie. I'm not even that a huge fan of him. He sort of acts kind of the same in every movie. Anyway, I'm not complaining because it's a free screening hahaha. Remember Me is a romantic drama about how this moody rich guy meets a girl and both have a history of losing someone they loved in the past. It's kinda boring and dragging on and on and I'm not feeling the girlfriend character played by Emilie de Ravin. Robert of course playing this rich kid whose just sulking in most scenes, not stretching his acting muscles here obviously. The OK part about this movie is the twist near the end of the movie. I gave it 2 and a half out of 5.
I also had yum cha for lunch with Tash and Klai in Pitt St. I don't remember the name of the restaurant but it's the one that Karen had her wedding reception at a couple yrs ago. Food was yummy as usual:)
Labels: movie
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I went to Newtown to see Little Ashes with Joel at Dendy. It's a movie about the life and loves of Salvadore Dali starring Robert Pattinson as Dali himself. Dali obviously battling demons within himself so it's not exactly a romantic happy ending love story. I'm not sure what Federico sees in him actually, coz Dalis character isn't that likeable at all. Anyway, I gave it 3 out of 5.
Labels: movie
Monday, March 1, 2010
I went to SYTYCD taping today with the Disney girls. The studio is in Redfern trainwork, so it's not far from my place. I actually haven't seen this season at all, so I don't know any of the dancers. They're all good though, and we all enjoyed it. The stand out is the Bad Romance dance. I think we always forget that it took ages to taped this kind of show and we all kinda over it after a while. Thanks Tash for organising it Btw :)
Labels: work
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