Thursday, December 16, 2010
It was held at Fox studio this year with a country and western theme. I think I did quite alright with my costume, some sort of asian brokeback mountain style hahaha. It was a fun nite, too bad that we have to go to work tomorrow. We are still in the middle of a deadline. booo!!
Merry X'mas everyone! hope y'all have a fabulous X'mas holiday:)
Labels: work
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Some PR company sent us a complimentary invitation to join the UrbanMAX race. I never heard about this thing before. To quote their website, "The Urban Max is part adventure race, part scavenger hunt with a mix of the amazing race. It is a completely new format of racing that will take teams of two through the heart of the host city. Competitors will get to visit some of the cities most famous landmarks, as well as suburban areas, while completing a variety of activities along the way."
As a huge fans of Amazing Race, I forwarded this invite to Tash half jokingly asking her to be my partner and she said yes! so we both sign up for this race and I named our team Rainbow Brite (awesome name, I know:P)
More than 1000 people entered this race and we all gathered at Cockle Bay Wharf to get our shirt and number. The race starts at 9am and our category has to do 14 out of 20 checkpoint that are spread out around CBD and nearby suburbs.
More than 1000 people entered this race and we all gathered at Cockle Bay Wharf to get our shirt and number. The race starts at 9am and our category has to do 14 out of 20 checkpoint that are spread out around CBD and nearby suburbs.
We were running around everywhere, from Darling Harbour to Paddington and Redfern oval to name a few.
I jumped in the pool looking for words and we did Zumba, ping pong, stacking card and other fun activities. I think the hardest part of the race is solving the clues that they give us and to know where should go first.
We thought we did quite alright, 11 checkpoints in 6 hours; that's why we're so shocked when the winners were announced and they did all 14 checkpoints in under 3 hours. That's just really insane! We don't know how they managed to do that, since it's quite a distance from one checkpoint to another. We had a lots of fun anyway. It was really hard but we did it. I'm sure my body will be sore for a couple of days after this but hey, it was worth the experience and I think I will do it again next year.
Here's their website if you guys want to find out more about UrbanMAX:
To complete one of the checkpoints, we had to take a picture with a person who's doing a Movember (an annual month-long event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November) and this guy was so happy to help us out.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Caught up with a few of my friends tonight at Wagaya. I came to this restaurant many times already if you read my old posts but I didn't choose the restaurant this time, because I know the meal isn't that special and it took ages to get a table. It was fun, nevertheless.
Some of them were going clubbing after dinner but I decided to go back home. Way too tired. It's been a long week and hopefully I'll get tons of rest over the weekend.
Labels: friends
Sunday, November 7, 2010
David and I went to see The Sculpture by the Sea today at Bondi Beach. Apparently there are more than 100 sculptures, spreading from Bondi to Tamarama on the coastal walk.
We only walked until the top of the Bondi one, so obviously we didn't see them all. I can't believe it's already that time of year again. It doesn't seem like that long ago when Adam and I went to see it last.
We only walked until the top of the Bondi one, so obviously we didn't see them all. I can't believe it's already that time of year again. It doesn't seem like that long ago when Adam and I went to see it last.
IMHO, from what I'd seen, there were more interesting sculptures last year than this year. Maybe they put the good ones at Tamarama. Anyway, here's some of the ones that I find interesting.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Viv is taking me out for dinner tonight at The Astral Bar Restaurant at Star City. It's located on the 17th floor and it serves mainly French food. Her boyfriend is currently working as a chef there and we want to try the food before they close the restaurant for good and turn it into a high roller room.
Once we sat on our table, the waiter basically said that Viv's bf, Dom, already choose the degustation menu for us. It's basically an eight-course mini sampler of everything. The food was yummy, albeit tiny. I can't remember which one stood out more than the others because they're all very different from each other.
After the dinner, we went downstairs to level 3 to catch up with Dem and Steve for a bit. Steve bought an investment property in Queensland and the developer invited him for their gala night. Apparently they're the youngest couple in the room, so I can imagine just how bored they're with the gala.
Once we're finished, David picked me up and we went to Oxford Street to meet up with James. We went to this new club called LIVE which located right beside Stonewall. The cover charge is $15 and it was my first time there. It was fun, not much different from Nevermind! though.
We stayed there for a bit and while we were there, some young singer is also shooting a video clip with people on the dance floor as her background.
We moved after a while to Palms but didn't stay there for long because I was already tired. Fun night in all and thanks again Viv for the dinner!
We moved after a while to Palms but didn't stay there for long because I was already tired. Fun night in all and thanks again Viv for the dinner!
Labels: friends
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The fashion team did a shoot with the Moscow Circus last week and after I saw the proof, I knew that I wanted to go and see the circus too. I haven't been to the circus in ages. I think the last time I saw a circus was the Cirque du Soleil at Fox Studios so I asked David to book the tickets and invited Darren to come along. It was playing at Sydney park, Newtown this week, not far from our place.
The circus itself was fun. Lots of amazing acrobats, daredevil motorbikes and other stunts. They only have ponies for the animal attractions and they're really really cute. It makes me want to have one too hahaha. It's a great show for a family, something different to do and we all enjoyed the show, you guys should deff check it out. For more information about where they're playing, visit their website:
Labels: shows
Friday, October 29, 2010
This time is a more sombre occassion. I guess it's because we were all really tired after a full on week of partying and it finally hit us that this is it, the final goodbye. We started with a delicious cake (I forget the name of it) at the Goulburn St office and we then made our way to The Ivy in George St. It was happy hour between 5-7 and we all just stayed there for a few hours.
After that, I went to the Rocks with Viv for dinner and finished it off with dessert at Max Brenner. Good luck with your new adventures guys! Y'all gonna be awesome!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
It seems like I always talk about Disney peeps and forget about my Cosmo peeps, It's just that we are always stuck in the office and don't really go out together as a group, anyway, here's a Cosmo post for you.
Michelle is our deputy ed and she's leaving us to pursue an online career. To say goodbye to her, we all went for yumcha at East Oceans at lunch time. I always enjoyed the food here but some ppl think it's just meh. It's a bit annoying that we have to order the food one by one instead of getting it from passing trolley. It's just doesn't seem like yumcha without the trolley. It was quite a long lunch and I was so full by the end of it. We walked back to the office to do a bit of work and then went to the pub for goodbye drinks.
Mich is one of the hardest working ppl in the office. She's practically lived there and is always on top of everything workwise. We all gonna miss her so dearly. Good luck with your new job Mich, you'll kick ass there!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The ocassion: Part one of the Disney's Farewell drinks series
Where: The Loft, King St Wharf
Time: Wednesday 27th October 2010, sunset
What's on the menu: Seafood platters, champagne with guava juice and wine
Entertaiments:The awesome Disney peeps from past to present
Verdict: Another memorable night. It's never boring at our gatherings. Failed try in Truth or Dare game, Flashing undies to people (ahem, Madden), random sing-a-long (Kat!). We came and we partied hard.
Monday, October 25, 2010

When I heard the news that Disney Girl and Disney Adventures were folding, I was shocked. I thought they were doing quite alright in term of sales, so it's kinda come out of nowhere. Some ppl are being made redundant and some are going to be shuffled around to diff mags. It's really sad to hear the news, even thou I don't work there anymore but they've been part of my life for the last couple of years and I made great friendship with all of them. It is really the end of an era:(
As part of the final issue, they are doing the last group shoot at the studio today and invited the ex staffers like myself to partake in the shoot. We took tons of crazy silly poses. It's very bittersweet. I had so much fun working with these guys and I'm gonna miss them all so very much.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
After waiting for months, Adam Lambert's GlamNation tour finally came to Sydney, so Iwan, Viv, Dean and I went to see it at Enmore Theatre Newtown. It was a sold out concert. We thought we would have a chance to grab dinner before we got inside, but people already queueing and going inside an hour before the opening act starts, and since it's a standing concert, we had no choice but to get in to find a good spot. Josh and witkke met us inside and the show itself didn't even start until 9ish. Lots of people trying to dress up as him with full on make-up, feathers and glitter. Some looked good , some bordering on the tragic side.
The show itself was really fun, flamboyant and a bit theatrical with over the top costumes, but I think the real reason people went there is to listen to his amazing voice and he didn't dissappoint. He played almost every songs from his debut album, For Your Entertaiment. The only downside is that he didn't sing songs that I actually love from the album, such as; Pick You Up, Time for Miracles and No Boundaries (I know that No Boundaries isn't his song but his version is so much better than Kris Allen's). He also didn't sang Mad World, a song that he actually famous for when he did Idol. Other than that, it was a really entertaining concert and we all had a blast. Hopefully he releases another album soon, that way he can have a longer set list and bigger budget for the concert.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The ocassion: Bungalow 8's Annual Summer Garden Party
Where: Bungalow 8, King St wharf of course, duh
Time: Thursday 14th October 2010, sunset
What's on the menu: Smirnoff Soda Pops, Bulmer's Cider, Pure Blondes, Hot Dogs, Pop Corn, Fairy Floss and more
Entertaiments: Live Freak shows from The Backhanderz, Alison Wonderland, and Hey Now (I have no idea who these people are:P)
Entourage: The fabulous Disney peeps (VIP section FTW!)
Verdict: frickingly awesome night. The music was really good, we all had a blast, dancing, cruising along, taking pics. The free food and alcohol make it even more memorable.
x Verdict: frickingly awesome night. The music was really good, we all had a blast, dancing, cruising along, taking pics. The free food and alcohol make it even more memorable.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
John, Leigh and I went to the Horden Pavilion at Fox studio to see the roller derby today. Roller-skating is one of my favourite sports and I've always wanted to see a roller derby live, ever since I saw Whip It!, so somewhow I found out about this event, got ourselves a ticket and here we are.
For all of you who doesn't know what roller derby is, it's a full contact sport played on quad roller skates with 2 teams of 5 women skating around a small track. They got one player from each team called a 'jammer' who will tried to gain points by passing opposing players legally. The opposing players 'blockers' have to stop the jammer by creating physical obstacles or knocking her over. I quoted all that from their program book :p
At first, we thought it's gonna be empty and we prob the only person there but when we got there, lots of people already queuing up to get in and it's a full house inside. I didn't realise how popular this sport actually is. The theme of the night is Roller Wars and everyone is encouraged to dress up as a Star Wars character, but I didn't see anyone turn up in costume. They had staff wearing stormtrooper costumes wondering around for us to take pics of. I just wore wear black and red shirt which is the colour of the Sydney team to show my support and so did lots of people there.
They're doing 2 matches today. The first one is a mini one between Smackdown Sallies and The Pistola Chola. It's basically a warm up friendly match and to familiarize people who never go to this thing before. It was quite good still and the Sallies won the match.
The main match is The Assassins (Sydney) VS Vice City Rollers (Canberra). This is where the real game begins. Both teams are so strong and aggresive in trying to score as many points as possible for their teams. Lots of pushing and shoving and players getting knocked over.
At first, Sydney was leading the game but Canberra kept on tailing them. During mid break, they had a funky burlesque performance with Princess Lea get-up. I thought it was quite cool. The game was nail bitting up until the last minutes because the score was a tie but Sydney nailed it with their last jams. They ended up winning the nite by 4 points, 109 against 105 Canberra.
I had so much fun watching the match, I wish men can play roller derby because I would deff try to get in the team. It 's prob gonna be 10 times more brutal and aggresive thou. I'll be coming back again to see another match for sure.
I had so much fun watching the match, I wish men can play roller derby because I would deff try to get in the team. It 's prob gonna be 10 times more brutal and aggresive thou. I'll be coming back again to see another match for sure.
Labels: sports
Monday, October 4, 2010
The new issue of Cosmo Preg and the first ever issue of Baby Checklist is out right now at your nearest newsagent (if you're living in Australia).
We were working really really hard for the Checklist issue, staying back almost every night at work just to make sure we got everything right. It's full of useful information for the new mum, while the normal Cosmo Preg covered everything for mum-to-be.
Show some love and buy the mags guys:)
Labels: work
Sunday, October 3, 2010
It's long weekend this weekend. Finally 3 days to rest from work. I think it's labor day on monday. Not really sure but whatever it is, yay for that!
Iwan invited me to his B'day bash on Sunday nite. Well it's a joined B'day between him and Dean. It's held at Strike Bar, King St Wharf. It's a B'day package thing that starts off with a free cocktails, followed by selections of gourmet pizzas, 2 games of bowling and karaoke or pool, all for $36 per person which I think is quite cheap.
It was a really fun night, got to meet a couple of friends that I haven't seen in ages like Igor and Will and it turns out they're all quite crap in bowling since I ended up winning and I know that I'm quite crap myself. Josh came closely second:).
Iwan invited me to his B'day bash on Sunday nite. Well it's a joined B'day between him and Dean. It's held at Strike Bar, King St Wharf. It's a B'day package thing that starts off with a free cocktails, followed by selections of gourmet pizzas, 2 games of bowling and karaoke or pool, all for $36 per person which I think is quite cheap.
It was a really fun night, got to meet a couple of friends that I haven't seen in ages like Igor and Will and it turns out they're all quite crap in bowling since I ended up winning and I know that I'm quite crap myself. Josh came closely second:).
We only left at midnight because it's their closing time, otherwise we would stil be there singing and eating the yummy cake. We continued the party by going clubbing to Oxford St for a few hours. My feet were killing me by the end of it but we all had a blast. Happy b'day again boys and many many more to come!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Viv and I went to see Charlie St. Cloud screening that was sponsored by the Dolly and Cleo mags tonight at Event Cinema after work. Zefron wasn't there to welcome us sadly but we did get a goodie bag filled with useful stuff if you're a teenage girl (which is the main target audiences for the movie). Dry shampoo, toothpaste, mascara, wallet, mags etc.
Tash asked me to give her the tampon if they had one but sadly they didn't give that out in the bag, so no tampon for you Tashie!
On top of that, we also got free soft drinks and popcorn and a mini fashion show before the movie start. The movie itself is actually quite good. Awesome if you're a big Zefron fans like myself. I think he's a really good actor, he's got a special charm and gentleness that works really well for this kind of movie.
Tash asked me to give her the tampon if they had one but sadly they didn't give that out in the bag, so no tampon for you Tashie!
On top of that, we also got free soft drinks and popcorn and a mini fashion show before the movie start. The movie itself is actually quite good. Awesome if you're a big Zefron fans like myself. I think he's a really good actor, he's got a special charm and gentleness that works really well for this kind of movie.
In my opinion, the most annoying part of the movie is the trailer. Whoever did the cutting for the trailer should be fired because they show and tell the whole story of the movie there.
I know it's based on a book but I think you should keep some elements of suprise in the movie for the people who haven't read it. In saying that, I stil give it 3 and a half out of 5 stars.
I know it's based on a book but I think you should keep some elements of suprise in the movie for the people who haven't read it. In saying that, I stil give it 3 and a half out of 5 stars.
Labels: movie
Friday, September 17, 2010
It's been a super duper busy couple of weeks for me, with the crazy deadline and all. We had been staying back at the office every day until midnight this week. My body feels so tired and thank gawd we finally finished the whole design part yesterday. I don't envy the subbed dept at all because they still have a long way to go.
The Disney peeps got invited to the Camp Rock 2 Australian premiere and they invited me to come along. Free food and drinks after the deadline from hell? Hell yea! It was held at Deckhouse in Woolwich and we were supposed to take the free ferry ride from Darling Harbour, but since Klai is bringing Phoebs along, we drove there instead.
The Disney channel goes all out with the location' decor, entertainment for the kids and the place. The deckhouse is a really nice place and we all had never been to this area before. Lots of kids with their parents come as expected and once we all had the nibbles and drinks, they start playing the movie. We obvs didn't come there for the movie haha, I haven't even seen the first one yet, so we all just hung around out at the back waiting for more food to come. The food were quite nice Btw. Peking duck crepes, hot dogs, satay chicken, macaroon and champagne wit OJ for me.
We hung out for a while there then we left at around 9 ish. They gave us a goodie bag filled with Disney channel merchandise. I was half expecting them to give us the first movie DVD so at least I know what the movie is all about but nope, it's wasn't there. Oh well, I think I'm gonna give my goodie bags to one of the girls who has a kid at work coz I don't think I have any use of it. It was a really fun, relaxing night catching up with my old Disney peeps and a perfect way to end this stressful week.x
Saturday, August 28, 2010
My friend, Denin has a stall at the Sydney Uni Pet Fair today, so we went to give her a visit. I've known Denin for ages, since high school to be exact and now shes married, has a 3 yrs old kid (Chris, who is insanely adorable) and has opened a small business. I'm very proud of her. It's called Spoon and fork and specializes in cookies, cupcakes and wedding cakes.
As her friend I got the privilige to taste them all obviously and trust me, they're really really good. She brought a 20kg wedding cake to my office and we all eat it for days and days and everyone compliments at how delicious the cake is. She's really talented at what she does. She's like an Asian Martha Stewart!
As her friend I got the privilige to taste them all obviously and trust me, they're really really good. She brought a 20kg wedding cake to my office and we all eat it for days and days and everyone compliments at how delicious the cake is. She's really talented at what she does. She's like an Asian Martha Stewart!
So if you guys ever need cookies and cakes , contact her at her site: and she will try her best to cater to your every need :)
Labels: friends
Sunday, August 22, 2010
It's Phoebe's turn to have her B'day celebration today. I know! all these b'day I'm telling ya, but this one is special because she's turning 1. Yep, a full 12 months! That's why Im trecking myself via train all the way to Merrylands. If you know me well, you would know that I don't like to travel anywhere past Newtown and Merrylands is way out west.
It turned out not that bad. I took a limited stop train and it only took me half an hour to get there. Tash and Alex picked me up from the station.
The party was held at Merrylands RSL club and it's an all-you-can-eat buffet. YUMM!!! Klai invited 100 people. I don't think she knows most of them. They're mostly friends of her parents. For entertaiment, they had this overworked magician with his seemingly drugged out rabbit. Poor magician, he couldn't have a peaceful time to finish his dinner. Everyone kept asking him to make animal balloons and stuff.
As you can see from the pics, the theme is Mickey Mouse. Little Phoebs dressed up as Minnie complete with the ear headbands. The buffet was amazing Btw. We kept on filling our plates with seafoods and desserts. On last counts I think I had between 4-5 plates. Damn you buffet!!
It was a really fun party and totally worth it travelling all the way there hahaha. Thanks for inviting me Klai and happy B'day again cute Phoebe!
As you can see from the pics, the theme is Mickey Mouse. Little Phoebs dressed up as Minnie complete with the ear headbands. The buffet was amazing Btw. We kept on filling our plates with seafoods and desserts. On last counts I think I had between 4-5 plates. Damn you buffet!!
It was a really fun party and totally worth it travelling all the way there hahaha. Thanks for inviting me Klai and happy B'day again cute Phoebe!
Labels: friends
Saturday, August 21, 2010
We went to Adrian and Raffi's place for his B'day drinks. Even thou they don't live that far from me, I haven't visited them in ages. Actually I lie, I went to their place last week to return the vacuum cleaner, but only for 5 mins!.
Anyway, It was nice to catch up with them again along with Josh and James. I haven't seen James for months! I used to see him at the train station every morning, but since I go to work late most of the time, we never cross path's anymore. They all went clubbing afterwards to Oxford Street but I went back home. Way too tired.
Joyeux Anniversaire Raffi! lots of love:)
Joyeux Anniversaire Raffi! lots of love:)
Labels: friends
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