Saturday, October 31, 2009
Firstly, Happy Halloween to everyone! We went to Broadway today to see Michael Jackson's This Is It movie. I thought it was really good. You can see that he's really thin and all, but watching the behind-the-scenes footage of the concert that was never to be, you can tell that it would have been one hell of an amazing concert. He's a perfectionist and really passionate about his music, and willing to give his all for his fans. The highlight for me is when he rehearsed "I'll Be there". Despite his eccentricities, he's a real musical genious and his music will live on forever in everyone's heart.
We then went to Newtown for dinner and we could feel the Halloween atmosphere there, with lots of people walking the street in costumes. Some went all out and some made a half-hearted effort. Still it looked fun nevertheless. :)
Labels: movie
Friday, October 30, 2009
It's the Hannah Montana fashion shoot today, so we spent most of the day at the studio in our main building at Park St. It was fun, busy, but less stressful than the fairies shoot. The two models are so gorgeous and they both work really well together. I think we got lots of good shots that we can use in the mag. That's Mandy styling one of the model's hair and Will the photographer on the first pic.
After work, I caught up with Glen for a movie. We went to see The box, starring Cameron Diaz and hottie James Marsden. The synopsis of the movie is that what if someone came to your house and gave you a box with a button and if you pushed it, someone that you don't know, somewhere in the world is going to die, and you'll get 1 million dollars cash. Would you press the button or not?
It's a good premise, but then the movie just gets weirder and weirder after half an hour. The whole Alien conspiracies thing put me off, and everything seems a bit random and it doesn't flow smoothly. I don't know, I get a mixed feeling about this, I kept on saying to Glen: "what are they talking about? I don't get it." hehehe, so I'm gonna give this movie 2 out of 5 stars.
We went to iTaiwan for dinner after that, the pig that I am, ended up finishing half of his meal:P
Here's more behind-the-scenes pics from the fashion shoot earlier. Kat's pretending to look serious, checking out some of the shots, while Bec proudly showing off her babies:P Also me, mucking around with Hannah Montana's guitar. ROCK ON!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tash and Yas are going to a Halloween party this Saturday, so they went to Hot Dollar shop at World Square to get some wigs. They're gonna dress up as Morticia from The Addams Family. Here they are modelling the wigs and I'm wearing Alex's mask (Tash's bf). You can also see Madden totally photo-bombing the picture in the background hahaha. We expect nothing less from her:P
I also played around with the colour, and make them green to look like the Wicked Witch of the West. I thought this one looks really cool:)
Labels: work
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I already have a cpl of watches at home that I rarely wear. I just like buying them hahaha, sometimes it's a hassle to put on a watch, besides, you can always look at ur cell phone for time:P
Labels: shopping
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Another day, another screening. This time is the latest Michael Moore documentary - Capitalism: A Love Story. It's about how capitalism bought the american economy down. The richer are getting richer and the poor, well there's just no hope for them.
I'm not a big fans of documentaries usually and I've also never seen any of his films before, but I think this one is actually quite good, depressing yes, but it also showed you how some ppl can be so greedy and like to take advantage of other people's misfortune to unbelievable extent. I just hope that I'm never gonna ended up like the victims on this movie, losing everything they have and fighting so hard just for the really basic things. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars. It's worth watching.
Labels: movie
Monday, October 26, 2009
Disney's A Christmas Carol 3D advance screening is on tonite at Event cinemas George St, so we went to see it after work. They gave us Christmas pudding and drinks upon entry, which was nice, even though I prefer more suitable snacks for movie viewing, like choc top or pop corn hahaha.
It's a motion capture animated movie starring Jim carrey, Robin Wright Penn, and Cary Elwes among others (yea, Princess Buttercup and Westley themselves! how exciting!!). Apparently, the world premiere of the movie isn't until next week, so we are not allowed to write a review about it until it's happened and I ain't taking any lawsuit:P
Labels: movie
Sunday, October 25, 2009
It's Kiama's turn today, so we drove there to see the blowhole, but unfortunately the waves were not strong enough for the water to sprout really high, so we could only see a tiny bit of it. Oh well, next time I suppose:P
After that, we drove back to Sydney. It was such crappy weather, pouring rain all the way, so that threw out our plans to go to the beach. We ended up going to Eastgarden to see Saw 6.
If you've already seen the first five installments, you'll know what the movie is all about. Jigsaw trying to make his victims learn about the art of life, death and survival and basically showing the audience different kinds of ways to torture/killing ppl. It's really gruesome and I think it's an open ending for yet another sequel.
There was this group of kids who sat behind us that just talked during the whole movie. It bugged me so much. Just shuddup or get out if you don't wanna see the movie!! grrr. I gave it 2 and a half out of 5.
Labels: movie
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Road trip this weekend yayyy!! We drove the to the gong to see Nan Tien temple. I haven't been there in ages actually. I think the last time I was there was last year with Adrian and Josh. It's like 1 and half hours drive from Sydney and it's nice to finally go back there again. It's such a big and beautiful temple. Very calming. Even thou I've been there so many times before, I haven't seen this bell before. It's a huge gratitude bell located way up the hill behind the temple, so it's a bit hidden. I'm not really sure whether we can ring it or not, so I didn't try to do it. We stayed there for cpl of hours, and had vegetarian lunch there. The food was really good btw:)
Friday, October 23, 2009
There's this Korean restaurant that offered an all-you-can-eat lunch buffet for $10, one block away from work. So today Tash and Karen and myself went there. The food was actually quite good. It's a mixture of Japanese, Korean and Chinese. Tash and Karen did 3 servings while I did 2 servings hahaha.
We will deff gonna go there again next time. The downside of it is that the place is really popular and busy and we can't book a reservation. In future we just have to go there a bit early. I'm so lucky I work in the area that has so many varieties of restaurants and food to offer, otherwise I would keep eating the same food everyday again like I did when I was working in Milson's Point.
Song of the day: "Angels Cry" - Mariah Carey
Labels: work
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Caught up with Josh for an advanced screening after work. The movie was Case 39. Its a psychological thriller starring Renee Zellweger and Bradley Cooper. It's about a child social worker whose trying to save this girl from her family and she ended up getting too personal by fostering the little girl. Things started to go bad when the people around her start to die one by one. The movie kinda reminded me of Orphan. There's a couple chilling and gruesome moments. I gave it it 3 out of 5. Its deff better than The Final Destination.
I was supposed to see it with Darren, but since he was sick, I invite Josh by telling him that it's a romantic comedy. Josh hates horror movies, and he finally found out about 5 minutes before the movie started hahaha, sorry Josh. He kept on playing with his phone and left half an hour before the movie finished to pick up the car. Such a party pooper:P
During the movie, we kept on guessing where we have seen the little girl before because she looked so familiar. Josh googled her and it turns out that she played young Celine in the Celine Dion biopic movie that we rent a while ago:P
Labels: movie
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
To celebrate Jenk's B'day, we all went to Maloney's pub near our work for lunch today . It's a newly furnished pub and the food isn't too bad. They have this special $10 lunch deal, so its quite affordable. We should deff come here again next time. I'm a bit over Encasas:P
I caught up with Adam after work for dinner at Pancakes on the Rocks. Gosh, I ate sooo much today. I seriously need to do more exercise. 2 more months! Don't wanna go back home as a fatty boombah hahaha.
Labels: work
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I went to an advanced screening of the movie "9" with my friend Andrej. I haven't seen him in ages - Since he moved to Canberra to study. Now he's back in Sydney again and working only 1 block away from me...yayy, lunch buddies!!:)
Anyway, I didn't know anything about the movie before we went to see it. All I knew is that it's a computer animation movie, and I didn't really have any expectations. I was blown away by the end of it. The graphic details is so amazing. More superior than Wall-E, dark and moody.
The movie is about a rag doll who woke up to find himself living in a world where machines rule the earth by killing all the entire human population. He also accidently awoke the most powerful machine and now he must find a way to stop it. He's joined by a couple of survivors like him (all rag dolls with numbers on their body) and they all must find the key to kill the machine before it kills them. It was produced by Tim Burton with voices from Elijah Wood and Jennifer Connelly. With an M rating, it's not exactly a kids' movie because some scenes are just a bit too creepy, but I really love it! I gave it 4 out of 5 stars.
After that, we went to chinatown food court for dinner, and KFC krushers for desserts. Golden gaytime, yumm!!:)
Monday, October 19, 2009
I went to the night noddle market after work tonight with Joel. It's in Hyde park, in front of the cathedral, not far at all from my work. Joel never been to the night market there before so its a new experience for him.
Its basically lots of food stalls with table and chairs for ppl to eat in the park. Most of the food that they sell there are thai. They can basically change the name into thai noodle market:P. Luckily I love thai food very much. You have to queue for a while on some of the famous stalls like Din Tai fung or Zilver. After we finished our dinner, We get this yummy dutch pancake desserts with caramel and chocolate toppings. Yumm!!
P.S. I finally got the new Mariah and Miley's album from work. Yayy!! Thanx Tash:)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009

It was a fun party. Her place is really nice. We drank a lot, nixing and mixing other people's drink hahaha. It's also Bec Haddad b'day today, so Jenk suprised her with b'day cupcakes.
Once we finished at Jenk's, me and Iwan continued going out to Oxford street, until we got kicked out from the club there because Iwan was closing his eyes for a while. The bouncers thought he was drunk, so we went to grab a bite at Olympic Yeeros before we went home.
After I went back, I realised I left my wallet at the restaurant. Thinking that someone prob already took it, I rang the bank straight away to cancelled my card. Once everything cancelled, Iwan rang me and told me they found my wallet there and gonna keep it until I can pick up tomorrow, least I can have my other cards back now.

I went to Luna Park with Adam after work. He's never been there before. It's $30 for unlimited rides on Friday after 5pm. It was fun and the place was really busy thou. I think it must have been the last day of School holidays, so we had to queue for a while to get on each ride.
After that, we met up with Iwan for dinner at Pancakes on the Rocks. I had a huge serving of pork ribs, which made me so full by the end of the meal :-)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
When I got on the stairs going to my place... a weird smell hit me and I suddenly felt dizzy for a few seconds, then I realised that my neighbours have been smoking pot again!!! Yeah, the same neighbours that I mistakenly tried to open the door yesterday. They always smoke pot and the smell is everywhere. Sometimes when they're really high (usually on the weekend), they put on Celine Dion really loud, which I think is quite funny:P
Since obviously I can't take a pic of them smoking, here's a pic of the tree that I passed on the way home. It's green, so its kinda similar to weed :P
Random song of the day courtesy of my iTunes playlists: "Angel's wings" - Westlife
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Went home from work and tried to open my flats door. It wouldn't open. I kept on trying and put in different keys one by one, still not working... Then I looked up at the door number and realised that I was at the wrong flat!! I was at the flat right below mine. I ran as fast as I could to my place, and I got back to my door just before the owner of the other flat opened his door to see what was going on!
He probably thought that someone was trying to break in!! hahaha. I kept really quiet and when he closed the door, I opened my door and went inside my flat... HOW EMBARRASING!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I went to see Whip it today at Broadway. The movie is about this small town girl (Ellen Page) who joined the roller derby club by lying about her age and not telling her parents. Her mum (played brilliantly by Marcia Gay Harden) thinks the only way to get to the top is by winning the local beauty pageants. It's a fun low budget (almost indie) movie, and it makes me wanna roller skate again. I give it 3 and a half out of 5 stars.
I used to be a junior athlete in roller skating. I won 4 medals, 2 gold and 2 bronze at the national championship. My parents took us (me and my bro) to club practice every sunday morning. It started at 6.30 am!! But after doing that for a couple of years, I got bored and lazy and just gave up on it completely. Also by that time, roller skating started to lose its popularity and got replaced by in-line skating. I think the last time I used in-line skates was 6 yrs ago. Don't think I'd be any good now.
We went to Kmart for a while after the movie. Since I couldn't find roller skates to take a pic of, I took a pic of the helmets. Always use this when you're skating people!!
Labels: movie
Monday, October 12, 2009
Ismay is the new girl in our team. She took over Heather's job, starting this week. Today was her B'day, so we all went to the Civic Hotel for her b'day lunch. It's just right beside our building but I have never eaten there before. It has a Greek menu and I ordered Lamb shoulder with Greek pasta. I never realised that a lamb has a shoulder hahaha, I always thought it just had legs and body:P
Anyway, the food was great. The lamb was so tender and juicy and I deff will eat there again. We also got her a yummy cheesecake from David Jones, I ate mine with vanilla ice cream...yumm!!:) Happy B'day again Ismay!!
Labels: work
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I went to Newtown today to look for 90's theme clothes for Jenks' party this upcoming Sat. There’s a couple of op shops in Newtown so I thought I could find 90s clothes easily. WRONG!!! I spent ages running through racks and racks of old daggy bogan clothing and nothing really screams 90s. They're more suburban 80's clothes. Lots of ugly vests. The whole thing just screams Ugly Betty to me.
After I got back home, I realised I forgot to take a pic of the shops. So, am just gonna give you this: pic of my 90's cassette collections hahahaha. Lots of NKOTB, Debbie Gibson and boys/girlsband. Still love them after all these years. On the subject of boybands, R.I.P Stephen Gately from Boyzone. It was such a huge shock to find out that he died today as he's only 33 yrs old. Your music will live on forever Stephen...
Song of the day: "Far from love" - Stephen Gately
Saturday, October 10, 2009
We went to the Art Gallery of NSW today at The Domain. It was fun, haven't been there for ages. Theres some cool ones and theres also some weird/boring ones :P. The one in the pic fell into the creepy/weird category. It looked like a man that has been skinned all over. It's very lifelike too. You dont want it in ur home thats for sure.
After that, we tried to catch a movie, We went to Eastgardens, but we missed the sessions, then we went to Broadway, missed it again, then Newtown (nothing good playing there at the moment) and back to Broadway hahaha, it was kinda insane:P
We watched Couples Retreat starring, among others, Vince Vaughn and Jason Bateman. I Luv the movie. It's about these 4 couples whose going to these resort island for holiday and couples bonding. I think its quite funny and the resort that they're staying at looks amazing (apparently it's in Bora Bora). It makes me wanna go on holiday again!! I give it 3 and a half out of 5 stars.
Labels: movie
Friday, October 9, 2009
Delon is my dog back in Jkt, He passed away today:( Even though I don't go back home that often, I still feel really upset and sad about it. He was a great dog, really protective and had been through a lot. He was bitten by this massive dog a couple of years ago and almost died. He got lots of stitches around his neck as a result of that. It was a miracle he can survive that but not ticks? ARGHHH!!! makes me angry!! He wasn't that old either, around 7 years old, we named him after the first Indonesian Idol runner-up... I was looking forward to seeing him in 2 months, but obviously I won't now :( ...Rest in peace my dear dog.
I don't know what pic to take for today, so I just took this pic of my monchichi collection. I used to/still am a bit obssesed about monchichi. It's a japanese monkey character, and I find it really cute and adorable. The big one is from Josh (after I give him a not so subtle hint about it), the smaller size ones are from Glen:)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tomorrow is Heather's last day at Disney. To farewell her, we all went for lunch at Encasa, and had this huge cupcake with ice cream and marshmallows in the office. All the best with the new job H! We’re all going to miss you! :-)
After work, Adam and I went to the advanced screening of The Final Destination 3D at George St cinemas, courtesy of Kelly. Thanks kel!:) This is the 4th installment of the Final Destination movie. The 3D gimmick is good, but I think the movie itself is actually worse than the 3rd one. Even though it’s in 3D, it looks like it’s cheaply made, and obviously, there’s no storyline whatsoever in the movie. It's not even half as good as the original. Great looking cast with mediocre acting talents. :P. I gave it two and a half out of five stars.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
This is the building across from my place. It looks like a haunted house str8 from a horror movie. It used to be the famous Rolling Stone magazine office but since they moved to my office building in Civic tower the building is up for sale. It's actually been up for sale for almost a year now I think...
Had dinner with Darren tonight at the Vietnamese restaurant in World Square, then I thought I could just walk home but it was too frickin windy and cold and it also started drizzling a bit so I decided to take the train home. So much for my exercise :P
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
... and Karen, and Tash, and Fi, and Kylie hahaha. Karen finally brought baby Phoebe to the office today, but before that we went for Yum Cha at East Ocean Restaurant. Its one of my fave Yum Cha places in the city, but today the service was really slow. The food trolley never came past us so we have to order the food ourselves!
Anyway, baby Phoebs is really cute, she looked exactly like her dad, and she's soo quiet. She slept most of the time but when she's awake, she always make these cute thinking/frowning face hahaha. Luv it:)
Random song of the day courtesy of my iTunes playlists: "Nasty Girl" - Nitty
Labels: work
Monday, October 5, 2009
I caught the train to Blacktown today.... Now that was an interesting experience :P. I have never been to the area before and I don't think I will make a habit of it haha. On the plus side, Blacktown train station is quite big and modern. It's got a MacD and EasyWay. Why can't Redfern get it's own EasyWay shop? Anyway, Adam picked me up there and we went to Parklea market.
This was my second time at the market. I went there years ago and it seemed liked nothing has changed. I think I can get most of the stuff that they sell there from Paddy's, which is closer to where I live.
After that, we went to Outback Steakhouse for dinner. Man, I ate like a starving pig!! I was so full by the time we finished. I ate baby back ribs, onions blossoms, dessert platters... biggest loser, here I come:P
Song of the day: "I Didn't Know My Own Strength" - Whitney Houston
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Joel and I went to the Australian Idol live taping today at Fox studio. We got there a bit too early as I overestimated the time it took to get there and find decent parking :P When we got to the queuing area, lots of people were already there dressed up in pink because tonight the contestants were singing Pink's songs.
It was fun, albeit long!! We were so hungry by the time the show finished, that we went to get something to eat at the Bavarian beer cafe restaurant - about 5 mins walk away from the studio. Again, we overestimated the amount of food we thought we could eat and ordered way too much hahaha. The sampler platter was amazing and I think if it's only 2 ppl eating, you can just order 1 serve. My beer was yummy too, it was peached flavoured :) deff will go to eat there again next time.
We then decided to go out for a bit to Oxford st - since it's nearby. The timing of us leaving Fox studio couldn't have been any worse. Parklife music festival just finished nearby so everyone's was trying to get out of the area... the heavy rain didn't help either. It took us more than an 1 hr to get out of there and find a park on Oxford st. Overall it's was a really fun night, tiring but I had a really good time:)
Labels: club
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I went to see Avenue Q today with Adam at the Theatre Royal in Kent St. It's a musical about the lives of people and monsters who live in this fictional street called Avenue Q. It's kind of a spoof of Sesame Street. The show itself was funny, raunchy (definitely not for kids) and all the actors were very talented. I was going to see the show back in 2006 when I was in New York, but we couldn't get cheap tickets, so I finally see it in Sydney 3 years later! Highly recommended btw, 4 out of 5:)
After that, we went to see Funny People in the cinema. It's a Judd Apatow movie, starring Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen (who's obviously losing lots of weights for his upcoming role in Green Hornet) and Leslie Mann. The movie is about this movie star who is diagnosed with a terminal illness and so he starts getting in touch with people from his past and trying to make new friends to get over his feeling of loneliness. Its an alright movie, with lots of cameos from famous people, such as Eminem and Ray Romano, but with 2 and half hours running time, I found the movie way too long and lacking in parts that were funny. You could tell a lot of the audience were feeling a bit bored and restless. I give it 2 and a half out of 5.
We had dinner at Delima after the movie. It's an Indonesian Restaurant in Dixon st. Great food there btw. Been there couple of times already:)
Moving on to the next subject hahaha, what the hell is going on with the weather in Sydney??! Raining and windy non-stop since yesterday and this afternoon too. Hopefully it'll get better by tomorrow.
Friday, October 2, 2009
It's pizza day today at work. Well that and cleaning day. All the teams on our level compete on who has got the cleanest area and who can get rid of all the junk from the fridge. We also got tons of snacks and booze for the whole floor. The whole fridge is now filled with alcohol- beers, vodka, wines, you name it and it's there! I drank 2 breezer and had 9 slices of pizza. Yea, fatty me alrite:P
I also went to the travel agent and paid for my plane ticket today. Since it's a cheap deal ticket, the date can't be changed. So now everything is paid and confirmed! Yay!! Am so excited, I haven't been home in 2 yrs!!:)
Saw a guy trying to climb the place across the street from my place while I was at the balcony checking the weather. His 2 other friends were waiting on the street. I think they're trying to break into the house, since it looked dark and empty. My flatmate was trying to call the police when they skipped and left. I didn't have time to grab my cam to take a pic of it. Just another day in Redfern I suppose:P
Happy long weekend btw everyone!! The weather gonna be sucky though, so don't forget to carry a brolly:P
Labels: work
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Today was the fairies shoot day. Woke up really early so I could get to the office before 9 and take all the clothes and props to the location in Randwick. Thank gawd for Red bulls!
We did the shoot in a really AMAZING house. Huge garden, pools and the house itself was just sooooo gorgeous. I wish I could stay there forever hahaha. Our model Jayda and Bella are besties in real life. They're so opposite to each other. Bella is more out there, hyper and a princessy personality while Jayda is the shy, quiet one. That's Bella with Haddady in the pic. She might look angelic, but trust me, in real life she's a handful. There were a couple of times during the shoot when the two girls had their moments and really tested our patience but I think, despite the tears and tantrums, we got lots of amazing shots from them.
This is Alana, our photographer (she's amazing btw, really good and patient with the girls) trying to direct the girls to do dancing and twirling for the camera, with Bec blowing bubbles in the background. I will post the final layout when it's finished so you guys can see the end result.
Can't wait for Friday tmrw. I so need the long weekend after today's shoot :P
Labels: work