Wednesday, September 30, 2009
November issue of Disney Adventures is out today. It's jammed packed with games cheats, puzzles and cool comps. It also comes with a Halloween mask, with 3 options to choose from and a wicked fizz bar. So much value in one magazine, so go to your nearest newsagent and get a copy or two, coz it sure is a collector's item :)
Went to Newtown Thai after work with Adam, my fave Thai restaurant in Newtown. Pad sew yew lamb as usual. He just came back from Tasmania and he brought me this Tasmanian devil soft toy that actually look like a dog and a box of choccies... aww thanks mista :))
After that we went for coffee at Gloria Jeans, well more like coconut white chocolate and small cheesecake for me. Sooo full now and soo tired too. It's been a long day and tomorow is gonna be even longer. Argghhhhh!!
Random song of the day courtesy of my iTunes playlists: "Gotta get thru this" - Daniel Bedingfield
Labels: work
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
It feels like Thursday already. So tired after work... looking at pictures of fairies all day. I think its getting easier to design the pages. The hardest part is not to keep on repeating the images since they're always posing in similar ways and there aren't many images to choose from.
Saw this on the walk back home. It's Indonesian money, 100 Rupiah. Haven't seen it in years hahaha. AU$1 = 8500 Rupiah so you guys count it yourself since I'm not good with math :P
Speaking of Rupiah, I went to a travel agent today to check the price of a ticket back home around x'mas time. It's $1020 return from the 23rd Dec - 5th Jan, which is actually not too bad but I have to pay it by this Friday. Decisions, decisions!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Gazillion stuff to do at work today. Busy, busy, busy!. On top of that, we overbought MIKA concert tickets by three. Miscommunication to the max no thanks to Demeter!!! Grrr!! So now I'm trying to sell these extra ones. Hopefully someone will buy them from me soon :-)
On a brighter note, I got sent these two new CDs, so I took it home to upload it on my iTunes. I've been a huge fans of BSB for a very long time. From their first single, I think back in the late 90s. We (me and Tans) even went to their concert last year hahaha and I saw Sean Kingston when he was opening for Kelly Clarkson ages ago. The single "Fire Burning" always reminds me of Fiji, since they played that song non-stop over there, and there are days that you don't even want to hear that song for personal reasons:P. Hopefully the rest of the album is as good as that single.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Today is frickin' freezing!! So much for nice spring weather:(
I went to Marrickville festival with Adam. It was fun:) . They blocked off the main street and filled it with stalls of food, clothing and other stuff. I caught up with Luke and Hai for lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant there (well Marrickville is a vietnamese area), and also bumped into Darren (proudly showing off his new hat hahaha) and his friend, Dave. We then wondered around the area for a while.
After that, we went to Eastgarden mall to see Fame. It's a remake about the ups and downs of some of the students' lives at a performing art school in New York. I've never really seen the original version, just bits and pieces of it, so it's good that I don't have anything to compare it with. It's a fun teen movie filled with songs and dancing and it's so nice to finally see Megan Mullaly (Karen from Will & Grace) on a big-screen again. The stand-out performer is Naturi Naughton who's playing a girl whose parents told her to keep on studying classical music even though her passions is singing. She's got an amazing voice. Definitely one to watch! I gave the movie 3 out of 5:)
Song of the day: "Fame 2009" - Naturi Naughton
Remember, remember, remember my naaammmmmmmmmmmeeee:)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I was so tired after last night so today is my resting day. I didn't do much at all besides sleeping and going to the kitchen to get chocolates. Pods and Milky Way, bliss:)
I watched the Tinker Bell DVD that I borrowed from Heather, purely for work research of course:P
It actually wasn't that bad. I don't really like the old-fashioned songs in it, but the movie itself was quite good. I love the whole 3D animation, and there are a few well-known voiceovers for the characters, such as Lucy Liu, America Ferrera and Anjelica Houston. The movie tells the origins of Tinker Bell and how she learnt to use her own talent for good use.
Song of the day: "It must have been love" - Roxette
I was watching the ending part of Pretty Woman on telly. It's sooo romantic. I think its the only movie that can make prostitution look like an enviable job! Well, it got her Richard Gere:P
Friday, September 25, 2009
Its my friend Iwan's Birthday today. Happy 21st Mista!! enjoy it while it lasts hahaha. To celebrate we took a water taxi cruise from Circular Quay to Wollomolloo via Darling Harbour, which I've never done before. It was fun, albeit cold! We then went for dinner at Ouzo88 in Kings X. It's a modern Greek restaurant and the food was amazing. We ordered the $40/person banquet and it was more than enough!! Calamari, chicken sticks, lambs... I was so full by the end of it, and the yummy gelato B'day cake didn't help either:)
We then walked to Oxford Street to continue the celebration. Met up with Ivan and then Club-hopping and drinking for a couple of hours. It was soo much fun and I was sooo tired by the end of it. Great night all around:)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I went to Eastgardens tonight for late night shopping and dinner. Was fun, got a shirt for myself from YD which I intend to wear tomorrow night. I also got this small toy of Penny the pig. According to her tag she's a libra and her special ability is to perform rain dances. awwww :)) soo cute :)
They have different figurines at the shop and it took me ages just to choose one. So many that I want :P Next time! That's Penny at the car park in the picture.
P.S: Red Bulls are back!! hahaha. Finally drank my first one yesterday. Tash knows someone who works at Red Bulls office and she got lots for free. Theres 4 in my drawers ATM, and she's gonna bring more next time YAYYY!! got my wings back:P
Song of the day: "Crush" - David Archuleta
Labels: shopping
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I was woken up by my flatmate at 6am telling me that there was a dust storm outside. Yea, at 6!! I told him to get out or I'm gonna kill him and I went back to sleep :p
Labels: movie
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I went to Broadway to see a movie tonight after work. I've actually started to like Broadway. It's technically my local mall since it's only around a 15 min walk from my place. It's less busy than Westfield, thank gawd and most of the shops that I frequently visit are all there.
We went to see (500) days of Summer. The movie is about this girl (Zooey Deschanel, cute as always I must say) who has been playing a big part in this guy's life (Joseph gordon-levitt) for 500 days. He really likes her and thinks that she's THE ONE for him but all she wanted from him is to be just friends with benefits. Some parts of the movie hit way too close to home, and there's a part of me that just wanted to slap her. I realise that she told him from the beginning that she just wants to be friends with him and have fun together and nothing else, but COME ON!!! all of the affection towards him and all the intimate times they spent together... IT'S SO UNFAIR TO HIM!!!!
Not to mention after they stopped ‘seeing’ each other (I can't say split up coz she makes sure from the beginning that they were only friends, not bf and gf) she started seeing someone else and didn’t tell him, then invited him to an engagement party and didn’t tell him that it was an engagement party!
Even though we can't really blame her for not having the same feelings as him, I still think she mislead him and no matter how nice she seems, she just can't treat him that way. I understand his pain completely:( Good movie overall, I give it 3 and a half out of 5.
Labels: movie
Monday, September 21, 2009
Today is Heather's b'day and she's back from Disneyland. For those of you who don't know her, Heather is a No. 1 Disney freak. She lives and breathes Disney. Her place must look like Neverland or Pixie Hollow. She made us choose a pen from her lucky dip bag and knowing my luck, I got the Tinker Bell one. Since I'm already overdosed on fairies I swapped it with Chip'n'Dale one, my fave disney characters :)
We went to the regular Vietnamese restaurant near Market City for lunch and as usual I ordered the combination meat with broken rice and egg... yumm :)
We also had the Baskin Robbins ice cream cake again for her. Man, I think I'm addicted to that cake. My hips and pants are suffering from all these foods.
Well, Happy B'day again Princess H, I know u gonna get spoilt rotten. Lotsa magic dust coming your way:)
Labels: work
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I didn't do much at all today, just boring housework..... I was supposed to go to city for dinner, but it looked liked a storm was coming. There were really really thick clouds outside and a couple of people wrote on their Facebook status's that it was hailing/raining in their area, so I called my friend and cancel dinner. It didn't end up raining in Redfern at all!! The sky started to clear up - how annoying!!!
I ended up eating my flatmate's leftover Indian takeaway and watched "Spectacular". The show itself wasn't bad. It's about school show choirs trying to win the national competition. It's more Glee than High School Musical. I think the main couple (Tammin Sursok as the leading lady, playing a high school kid, HA!! nice try!) were lacking chemistry between each other though. It's not as magical as Troy and Gabriella, and that's saying a lot :P
Song of the day: "Don't stop believing"- cast of Glee
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Still feeling the effects from the big night last night. We went to Hog's Breath cafe at Cronulla for dinner tonight. Yupp, we drove all the way there just to eat. I've been wanting to eat at Hog's breath for ages but never got the chance since it's so far away. Big thanks to Adam for driving us there:)
They definitely should open somewhere closer to the city because it's quite popular. We couldn't get a table inside because they were completely booked.
The food was awesome, we shared a mixed entrée and I had ribs and steak combo for main. I also had Mudslide for the drinks. Yummmmmm... it was worth the 45 mins drive, will eat there soon again hopefully :)
Song of the day: "Broken-hearted girl"- Beyoncé
Friday, September 18, 2009

After work we went to see Beyoncé in concert at Acer arena. By we I mean Tash, me, Ewan and Dean. Before that, Tash and I had dinner at a Thai restaurant in Capitol Square. Pad Sew Yew duck.. yummyyyyyyy :)
Bumped into Rach and Demeter at the concert. Well, Dem was sitting behind us with her friends. The concert itself was nothing short of amazing. She worked her ass off and her voice, arghh... perfection :) Especially when she sang Ave Maria. Great costumes too and super hot backup dancers hahaha:P
The highlight of the concert was the last song when she pulled this sweet little girl (Chelsea) who's battling cancer and dedicated the song Halo for her. Most of the audience was in tears. It was really sweet of her to do that and I truly hope that the little girl wins her fight with cancer.
After the concert we headed out to the city for a bit of clubbing where I caught up with Adrian, Raffi, and James. My feet were almost killing me by then and we didn't stay out too late. Was a really superb nite :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Luke, the designer from Disney Kids, had his b'day today so we all went to Encasa for lunch to celebrate. Encasa is a Spanish restaurant in Pitt St near our work. I order the same thing everytime we go there: Penne pasta with mushrooms and bacon :)
We also got him an ice cream b'day cake from Baskin Robbins. OMG, the cake tasted so good I could've like... eaten the whole damn thing!! There goes my diet :P
Happy b'day again Luke, I hope u get spoiled rotten by your girls :)
I don't want to put his pic with the b'day cake here coz he thinks he looked shocking. He only likes the one that's blurry where you wont be able to make out his face. Yea wateva mista :P
Labels: work
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The server at work was really slow today, on Wednesday of all days. It's so frustrating! It took me 5 minutes just to open one file... arghhhh!!! Not happy Jan!
I went to get a haircut after work, the usual Korean hairdresser. It always feels like some kind of dare going there. Firstly, they can't really speak English and secondly even if you bring a picture of the hairstyle that you want, it always ends up different. I'm a sucker for punishment obviously :P
After that I went straight back home to go to the tailor near my place before it closed. I need to hem the bottoms of my jeans, they've been bugging me for weeks. I thought I could get away with folding them but I keep on stepping on them.
I saw this sticker/poster on the way back home. I took a pic of it coz I thought it's funny. It said "Keep taking your medication, our Olympic visitors must suspect nothing". Will do that then:P
Song of the day: "Can't get over" - September
Labels: work
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I went to Broadway for dinner tonight, nothing fancy just some mixed kebab and chips from the food court – yumm healthy!...NOT!!:P was craving it since this morning:)
Saw the flick, The taking of Pelham 123 starring John Travolta (as the bad guy) and Denzel Washington – which was about a train hijack in New York subway. Hence the picture of Macdonaldtown Station here.
Finally, check out these cool pics my friend Luke took of me last Sunday! He is such a talented photographer. It’s great cause he makes me look good :P
For more info about him, visit his website:

Monday, September 14, 2009
My neighbour is having renos done and every morning, at 7.50 SHARP, the drills start going off. It's been 2 weeks now and it’s not even halfway done! Today they’re using OUR balcony to stash some cables and stuff. ARGH!!!! This probably explains why I've been really cranky and tired lately. I'm thisclose to mental breakdown. Being woken up by a loud drilling noise is not the ideal way to start the day.
In other news, Tash is back. She's been away on holiday for almost a month and she brought me this tea towel from Cyprus. Huh? No fridge magnet and chocolates?? Shame on you Tash! :P
It's good to have her back because she sat right beside me at work and it's been really quiet here without her loud voice :P, so welcome back biatch!!
Got the new Whitney and Cobra Starship Cds today. Yay!! Can't wait to hear it out and put it on my iTunes tonight :)
"Life doesn't always go according to plan, and that's the best part of it."
Labels: work
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I caught up with my friend Luke today, he's a great photographer, and he's going to Japan next month to take some pics. Before he went, I want him to take some pictures of me, so I went to his place and we took some pics there. They all looked amazing btw hahaha. I will post some later on here:)
After that, we went to the beach on the north shore. The weather was sizzling today- 31 degrees, but i stayed in the shade, so no sunburn for me at all, not even tan:P
To keep in with the nautical theme today, we went to sushi train Newtown for dinner and to top it off, we went to see a movie. We saw Ponyo which is a Japanese animated movie from studio ghibli. The movie is a different take of Disney's Little Mermaid (which is my fave Disney animated movie of all time). It was done in hand drawing, so its nothing like all the 3D animated movies that out now. I really really loved the movie:). The colour and the drawings are so intricate and vibrant with tons of imaginative details.
It's really refreshing to watch an old fashioned animated movie, the main characters, Ponyo and Sasuke are so adorable and cute. We saw the subtitled version, which I think gave more authenticity than then dubbed version one. Highly recommended and I gave it 5 out of 5:)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I went to Eastwood today for lunch with my aunty and cousin. The clever guy that I am, took the wrong train and ended up in Lidcombe. Yeah.... not trying out for Amazing Race anytime soon obviously. We had peking duck and fried pork for lunch (sorry Jay! I'm still gonna go to BBQ King with you btw:P)
Eastwood was such an eye-opener for me. It feels like going to foreign country... China to be exact. You can count white ppl with one hand. Everything is written in Chinese or some Asian language, and the whole place/market/mall is full of Asians. Its unbelievable!
After lunch, I went to Maroubra beach for some sun worshipping. It was actually really windy, not that hot at all. There was this gross couple who laid beside us, fully making out in front of everyone. By making out, I don't mean the PG rated one, but the R18 one! It was obvious what they were doing and they seemed to get a kick by doing it in front of people. The thing is, there were kids everywhere around them and no one bothered to come up to tell them off.
The picture above are my nieces. The older one is 7 and the other is 6. They're still really shy around me. Oh well, I'll bribe them with food next time:P
Labels: families
Friday, September 11, 2009
Caught up for dinner tonight after work with my Asian harem in Darling Harbour. The usual gang - Trish, Dem, Tans, Scott and Hanika. We all used to work together at Total Girl Mag (except Scott, he's Trish's bf), those were great times!:)
We went to Chinta Ria in Darling Harbour. It's an Asian-Malaysian restaurant. Not really my favourite restaurant, I think the food is average but everyone else loves to go there. Since I chose the restaurant twice before it was their turn this time :P
Dem's friend, Steve, joined us for dinner. He only ate plain rice the whole time because he was going to another dinner after. He told some funny stories about his current obsessive girlfriend. The food was actually alright, we had fried chicken, mi goreng, curry beef, roti chicken, mixed veggies and a couple of entrées. It was a lot!! I felt so full afterward.
After dinner we went to play laser skirmish at Harbourside mall. I sucked at it but it was so much fun. Hanika just ran around screaming like a crazy woman hahaha:P Such a fun night and great to catch up with the gang again:)
Song of the day: "Keep on moving" - 5ive
They were playing this at the laser skirmish place, Nika and Tans sang along loudly. Nika told me she went to 5ive concert and bawled her eyes out for them. TRAGIC!!!! lol. So I dedicate this song to them :)
Labels: friends
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I almost had a heart attack this morning when the ticket inspector walked in the train carriage and started checking everyone's train ticket one by one. Luckily, I bought a full price one. They've been checking the train tickets everywhere this week, which kinda sucks, coz I'm one of those people who buys the ticket half price. Student concessions, even thou I don't have concession ticket.
I justify it by saying I am a student of life :P
Besides, I only live like 2 train stops away, It's so not worth the $3.20 that they expect me to pay each way, when the train is so jammed packed in the morning. I feel like a sardine in a can sometimes.
It was a slow day today. I was supposed to go to Bondi for a screening of "Up" again, but it didn't happen. I already saw it ages ago anyway. Luv the movie. The first 15 minutes of it is really sad, and almost made me cry. I give it a 4 out of 5.
I ended up going to Broadway after work with Adam for a bit of shopping and dinner at Essen again. He's addicted to their chicken schnitzel I think. I opted for duck this time. Was different, not too bad, but I'm not sure if I would order it again next time.
That's Haddady with me in the picture. We both have the same good side (right side) so it kinda looked funny when we took the pic the first time, cos we both tilted our heads on the same side. She sacrificed her good side for me in this picture.. awwww!!!
I love you more than unicorns Haddady!!:P
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Lots of ppl are getting married or have booked a caesarean today because they think the date 09.09.09 is a lucky number. I think it's just a cop out from the trouble of having to remember dates and anniversaries :p
Anyhoo, we have our tip-on meeting today. Tip-on is a freebie that you get when you buy a magazines. We all have to come up with ideas of cool freebies to giveaway with the magazines. The meeting went well and everyone came up with awesome ideas.
Heather, the Disney freak that she is (and I say that with love), brought her own private Disney collections for show and tell :P
Btw, have fun in Disneyland H!! Knock the other Disney princesses off !!
Song of the day: "Friday I'm in love" - The Cure
They've been playing this song a lot on Mix106.5, so it stuck in my head (yes Shaun, we've been listening to ur radio station at work:P)
Labels: work
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I was supposed to go to this advanced screening for a movie today, But the lazy PR people didn't confirm my RSVP even after I chased them up!! Don't you just love PR, GRRR!! Anyway, since I didn't wanna rock up there and get turned down (it's in Paddington, which is quite far from my work) I just ended up going to a movie in the city with my usual Tuesday movie friends (Luke, Hai, Iwan and Dean).
We went to see Orphan. Its a thriller/horror movie about a little girl who gets adopted by this typical, normal suburbian family. I frickin' luv the movie!! The main girl is a grade A psycho bitch and the movie itself is quite creepy/disturbing with a twist towards the end. I gave it 4 out of 5:)
That's Hai in the picture with me. He's never been a fan of horror movies. I think Luke duped him into watching this movie by saying its a drama/comedy :P
Monday, September 7, 2009
I was walking home from work really fast trying to to beat the storm that was gathering, but halfway to my place, the sky's opened up and I was drenched in a matter of seconds. There was no shelter around me, so I just stood under a tree, and I managed to take this picture.
Considering I was already wet, I thought I might as well keep going. It's was quite liberating actually.... walking in the rain and what do you know, 5 minutes later, the storm stopped. Needless to say I finished my walk home looking like a drowned sewer rat. Noiiceeeeee!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Golly gosh, It's Sunday already!!
Went to Westfield Bondi Junction for brunch and to look at presents for my dad. He's so hard to shop for coz he's not interested in anything and everytime I asked him what he wants he always says nothing - grrr. I ended up getting him a box of hankies :P
We also had Max Brenner again, the 3rd time in 2 weeks. Yes, I'm a hardcore addict!
After that, I went to Epping to see my cousins and auntie. I gave her some stuff to take back home to Jakarta for my parents. Her kids are so shy around me, it's probably because I don't often visit her.
Went back home to meet David for our first Idol night. David lives 5 mins away from my place. He's my WILL to me GRACE. I always go to his place to hang out and whinge about everything and he would patiently listen (or pretend to listen :P) while playing his favourite tragic, sad music on iTunes. Kate Miller-Heidke is on the top of the list right now (hate that song! Makes me wanna slit my wrists)
We are stil looking for our own Jack and Karen Walker BTW, so if anyone's interested do send us your resume :P
We grabbed a takeaway dinner from the nearby Chinese restaurant and I got the Idol time wrong. I thought it was supposed to start at 7.30 but it actually started at 6.30, so we missed an hour of the show. Damn you TV Guide!
Didn't do much at all during daytime, just lazed around at home watching The Jonas Brothers on Saturday Disney. It was alrite, it's not as funny as Hannah Montana though. YES! I know!!, Zip it ppl:P
I went for dinner at Fujiya - It's a japanese restaurant on the corner of George and Goulburn St. I've been there so many times, especially love their calpis and chuhai drink and fried camembert. Teriyaki bento box as usual for me :)
We then walked around Darling Harbour after dinner and ended up at Star City casino. They're doing a huge renovation ATM, so it was a bit of a hassle to find the entrance. Got my ID checked twice too... woohoo!!
Had a nice cocktail at the bar there, my first time since I came back from Fiji! Yay!!
After that, we went to Slide in Oxford Street. Didn't know there was a DIVA fundraiser there. Every dollar from the $10 entry fee will be donated to the new DIVA organisation. They were doing a fashion show of old costumes that had been used by some of the sydney drag performers. The best thing about Slide is their colorful dance floor, always reminds me of the movie Studio 54 ...If you could read my mind love....
Had a couple of drinks there and we even managed to steal some food from the birthday party on the first floor hahaha :P
Huge shout out to Adam! Happy birthday Mista! wish u all the best in everything!!
Labels: club
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Happy friday everyone!!
Went for dinner tonight at Essen in Broadway. I think by now you guys know that I never eat/cook at home - Well, I can't cook to begin with, plus I'm too lazy to do the washing after:P
It used to be called Una's and the main one's in kings Cross. They specialise in austrian-german food I think, and they've got the best schnitzel ever!! veal schnitzel with mushroom sauce for me tonite..yum!
After dinner, we decided to see a movie, but it didn't start for another hour, so we went to Blackwattle Bay Park in Glebe for a while. I used to go to this park quite a bit when Josh was still living in Glebe. It has the best view of the Pyrmont bridge and the city.
Its so nice and calming just sitting there. So jealous of the people who live there with their million dollar view:)
We went to see Fighting tonight. Channing Tatum is in it, enough said.
The movie itself was alrite, makes me wanna live in New York actually, oh how I miss that city!
Channing is super hot, so who cares about the storyline. It's basically Step Up 2 with fighting instead of dancing.
I give it 2 and half out of 5.
Song of the day: "T shirt" - Shontelle
Labels: movie
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Lately, I've been drinking 1 Red Bull per day. We got sent a huge case of Red bull at work and I think its only me and Kat who've been drinking it. It keeps us going even if we are slightly hyper, and I think I drank the last one today!! What?? How am I supposed to get through to my deadline next week, by buying it?? as if!! freeloader all the way lol
Coincidentally, there is an article about Red bull in the paper today. It talks about the danger of children drinking and buying energy drinks.
Check this link if you're interested:
Well I'm not under 12 (maybe mentally:P) so I think I can handle one Red bull per day.
It would be nice if we could mix it with vodka at work too :P
Another addiction I have is chocolate. well, who doesn't? :P
I Went for coffee tonight at Max Brenner with Rich, and by coffee I mean white chocolate milk drinks with chocolate wafer balls and waffles coated with chocolate sauce plus a scoop of vanilla ice cream and strawberries... YUM!!!!!!!!
Can't imagine working there thou, I'd be morbidly obese after just one week I think.
Labels: work
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Disney Adventures October issue is out today, and what better way for us to celebrate it than modelling the free glasses that you get when you buy the mags. It comes in 3 different colours - white, neon orange and blue. So whatcha guys waiting for? Go to your nearest newsagent and collect them all :P I personally heart the white and orange one:)
Had Pad Sew Yew again for dinner tonight at 3 Mangoes Restaurant in Newtown. I think I might overdose on Thai food. It was still yummy though :) Big shout out to Adam!!
Song of the day: "Escape" - Enrique Iglesias
Labels: work
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Today is the first day of September, which is also the first day of spring, Yayy!! About time, I tell ya! I'm so sick of this cold gloomy winter weather. It's still cold today but I'm sure it's gonna get warmer in the next couple of weeks :)
Befittingly, I went to see The September Issue at Verona Paddington with Agung, Edzan and Will. It's a film about Anna Wintour and her team at American VOGUE, documenting the composition of their biggest-ever issue. I just can't imagine the size of their flatplan and I'm pretty sure the art team don't have to PDF the pages themselves :p
Heart the movie, and heart her too. Maybe one day I'll have the privilege of working with her. Anna, if you read this blog and are in need of a designer/assistant/pages printer/Starbucks runner, email me!! (one can only dreams:P)
After the movie we had dinner at a small Thai restaurant in Oxford street. Love thai food, Pad Sew Yew anytime I say :)
WORD OF THE DAY courtesy of Demeter:
When a man is going through his monthlies.
"You are a bitch right now – are you on your manstration?"