Saturday, August 28, 2010

Spoon and Fork

My friend, Denin has a stall at the Sydney Uni Pet Fair today, so we went to give her a visit. I've known Denin for ages, since high school to be exact and now shes married, has a 3 yrs old kid (Chris, who is insanely adorable) and has opened a small business. I'm very proud of her. It's called Spoon and fork and specializes in cookies, cupcakes and wedding cakes.

As her friend I got the privilige to taste them all obviously and trust me, they're really really good. She brought a 20kg wedding cake to my office and we all eat it for days and days and everyone compliments at how delicious the cake is. She's really talented at what she does. She's like an Asian Martha Stewart!
So if you guys ever need cookies and cakes , contact her at her site: and she will try her best to cater to your every need :)



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