Sunday, August 22, 2010

Phoebs turns one!

It's Phoebe's turn to have her B'day celebration today. I know! all these b'day I'm telling ya, but this one is special because she's turning 1. Yep, a full 12 months! That's why Im trecking myself via train all the way to Merrylands. If you know me well, you would know that I don't like to travel anywhere past Newtown and Merrylands is way out west.
It turned out not that bad. I took a limited stop train and it only took me half an hour to get there. Tash and Alex picked me up from the station.
The party was held at Merrylands RSL club and it's an all-you-can-eat buffet. YUMM!!! Klai invited 100 people. I don't think she knows most of them. They're mostly friends of her parents. For entertaiment, they had this overworked magician with his seemingly drugged out rabbit. Poor magician, he couldn't have a peaceful time to finish his dinner. Everyone kept asking him to make animal balloons and stuff.
As you can see from the pics, the theme is Mickey Mouse. Little Phoebs dressed up as Minnie complete with the ear headbands. The buffet was amazing Btw. We kept on filling our plates with seafoods and desserts. On last counts I think I had between 4-5 plates. Damn you buffet!!
It was a really fun party and totally worth it travelling all the way there hahaha. Thanks for inviting me Klai and happy B'day again cute Phoebe! 


Klai said...

awwww you're sooo welcome dree!!! i'm so glad you came and had a good time!!!!!


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