Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 200 - The Green Zone

I caught up with Luke after work to see The Green Zone starring Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear... Hmm, 2 Greg Kinnear's movie in a row, he's been busy. It's a war /action movie about a soldier in Iraq who stumbled upon some goverment cover up about weapons of mass destruction. It's an alright movie I guess, but seeing this so soon after I saw The Hurt Locker, makes the movie less interesting. I gave it 3 out of 5.
Caught up with David for dinner after. I had a sudden craving of KFC, so we went to get some wicked wings...yumm:P
And here's the pic of me, Dem and Glambert that the publicist finally sent to me. He's so frickin' tall!!! Luv it:)



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